This program is used mainly by administrators or by people, who making computer installations as job or they do that for friends and want to have summary in one place of all installed machines. This will help to make your work effective and thanks to this program, you will not loose lot of money when discovering who have what installed. If problem occours, you will know all about installed computer by clicking few steps. All you need to know is name of your customer/friend. Of course – you must first create database of them, but this part of work will helps you in future. Generated lists you can also add to installed computer, so owner will have quick summary, what he have on his PC. Program isn`t benchmark or detect utility – it is composed mainly for people mentioned above. For detecting or benchmarking utility look over the internet. If you need to tell me anything, you want to send me a suggestion or you want to translate program, send me e-mail to my address If you are updating to new version, there is no need to uninstall previous version. This program is freeware and it is possible to redistribute it. Pack can be redistributed only in complete packaging and in complete state, as supplied by author and it`s content can`t be changed. Also there is not allowed to ask money for it (in whatever form). Violating this rules will be prosecuted by international laws.