Sound interface
Play any MP3 or Midi file while viewing images
Manual Playback with player
MP3, WAV, and MID files show up in the file lists automatically. Simply double click on an sound file icon to open the player.
The player includes basic controls to Play, Pause and Stop the current title. The long track bar is included for fast navigation within the sound file, the lower short one for volume control.
JPegger expects the sound files to be valid and the necessary hardware and codec to exist. There is no codec installed with JPegger. So if you want to play certain media formats be sure that the necessary Windows media Player codecs are installed. Windows 95 system might need to install Windows Media Player 6.4 to play MP3 files.
Auto playback when opening a folder
There was a request from a school of arts who are producing their own educational CD with images of ancient paintings. They already are using JPegger for their CD and wanted to add spoken comments for each folder on the disk.
For them we added a special sound interface which allows to automatically play back WAV, MP3 or Midi files when opening a folder. Now you can use this interface also for playing your own comments or listen to music while browsing through your images.
To use this option for your own images you simply have to add an INI file to your folder with the format explained below. Use any text editor like Notepad and create a file inside your image folder with the filename "jpegger.ini".
When Vallen JPegger opens a new folder it first checks for the file "jpegger.ini". If there is one it checks for the section "SoundSetup".
There you can place the entry "FileNameMP3". Behind this key you specify the filename of the sound file to play back (here a MP3 file "intro.mp3" but you could also specify a Midi file like "passport.mid"). Be sure to give a path relative to the current folder of the directory when creating CDs. A good practice is to copy the sound file into the same directory where the images are because then you do not have to specify a file path.
JPegger doesn't analyze the sound file type. Therefore it doesn't matter if the Key "FileNameMP3" specifies a MP3, WAV, or Midi file.
Title: Use-07: Sound interface
Link: jpegger/use/UseSoundInterface.htm
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