WSH Walkthrough

The following walkthrough describes how a typical Network Administrator or other IT professional might use WSH 5.6 to create procedures that accomplish useful tasks.


The walkthrough is presented in VBScript. The process for creating these scripts is nearly the same for developers using VBScript or JScript.

During the course of this walkthrough, you will perform the following activities:

To complete the walkthrough, all remote machines must be properly configured to enable Remote WSH. For more information on enabling these security settings, see Setting up Remote WSH.


The following code is from the sample included in this documentation. To view the entire sample, see WSH Network Administrator Sample Script.

Expand imageCreate Variables and Constants

Expand imageConnecting to a printer and setting it as default

Expand imageCreating a common share, copying files to it, and sharing it

Expand imageNext Steps

Expand imageSee Also