Shared Directories
To add directories to your share, you can use the Add and Remove
buttons, or drag and drop folders from a Windows Explorer window.
Beginning with version
0.4032, files will be shared only once they have been hashed.
If you enter the Sharing tab and press OK; the client may appear to
freeze, this is due to a refresh of the file list.
- Share Hidden Files
- Share files with the Hidden attribute set and files inside
directory with the Hidden attribute set. With this option off, files
starting with a . (full stop) will not be shared. Files that have a $
(dollar sign) in the filename will not be shared due to a protocol
limitation. Note: this option requires a
refresh of the file list, and may cause the client to appear to freeze.
- Rename
- Change the virtual name on a shared folder. Note: the
client will
appear to freeze when you exit settings, this is due to a refresh of
the file list.
- Remove
- Remove the selected folder(s).
- Add Folder
- Browse for a new folder to add to your share. If another
existing file shares that name, the new name will be made unique by
adding another letter to its name.
selecting the directory
to add, you will be able to pick the Virtual Name that it will be shown
under when other users see your files. If the newly added files have
not been hashed, the Hash Progress Dialog will display. You can
choose to let it display, or let hashing continue in the background.
- Automatically Open an Extra Slot if Speed is Below ...
- If the average upload speed drops below the given number,
additional upload slot will be granted. These slots are granted
once every 30 seconds at maximum. If the speed of the original
uploads increases, the granted slot will not be closed.
- Upload Slots
- Configure the number of slots
that other users can occupy to
download files from you. A remote user can use only one slot for
each hub that they're on with you. DC++ supports uploading
file lists and files below 64 KiB to
other DC++ users without requiring
a slot. There's a max of 3 connections in addition to normal slots,
these are called mini slots.
Note: If a user leaves the hub DC++ will close his slots, if the user
is back
within 10 minutes DC++ will grant him a slot. (This will only
happen if Automatically
Disconnect Users Who
Leave the Hub is enabled) This can cause your
upload slots going over maximum set in settings.