PowerISO Command Line Parameters
Usage: piso <command> [parameters] [-switches]
listvd: List all virtual drives created by PowerISO
setvdnum <n>: Set number of virtual drives. n is between 0 and 8.
Example: Set number of virtual drives to 1.
Command: piso setvdnum 1
mount <file name> <drive>: Mount image file to virtual drive.
Example: Mount d:\test.iso to drive F: .
Command: piso mount d:\test.iso F:
unmount <drive|all>: Unmount image file.
Example: unmount drive F: .
Command: piso unmount F:
Example: unmount all drives.
Command: piso unmount all
list <image file> <directory>: List files and directorys in image file.
Example: List all files and directorys in root direcory of d:\test.iso recursively.
Command: piso list d:\test.iso / -r
extract <image file> <dir/file name>: Extract file/directory from image file.
Example: Extract all files and directorys in root direcory of d:\test.iso to d:\temp recursively.
Command: piso extract d:\test.iso / -od d:\temp
convert <image file>: Convert image file to other format.
Example: Convert d:\test.iso to d:\test.daa
Command: piso convert d:\test.iso -o d:\test.daa -ot daa
create: Create image file from files or folders.
Example: Create d:\test.iso from d:\test and d:\test.zip.
Command: piso create -o d:\test.iso -add d:\test / -add d:\test.zip /
-r: List directory recursively.
-o: Specify output image file name.
-od: Specify output folder.
-ot <iso|daa|bin>: Specify output image file type. If not specified, the image type will be determined by file name suffix.
-add <local dir/file name> <dir in image file>: Add local file or directory to image file.
-volsize <n>: Split output image file to multiple volumes, and set volume size to <n>. Example: -volsize 100M
-setpassword <password>: Set password for output image file.
Example: -setpassword 12345678