Select an area on an Image:
Click on the corresponding shape button on the toolbar. The allowable shapes are Square, Rectangle, Circle, Oval and Polygon (actually a freehand), then if you move the mouse within the current photo panel, you will see the cursor is changed into cross shape, which means you can select by drag the mouse.
Once you select area then you can do copy, cut, paste by click on buttons on toolbar. If you want select another area instead of current, then you can just simply redo drag to get new selected area, you can even move your selection to while your mouse is within the selection area. If you want to select different shape you can simply click on any other shape button on the toolbar, then redo drag. If you want to quit the selection, you can simply press the "Esc" key on the top left area of your keyboard or click on "Edit->>cancel select". You will see the cursor turn back to original default.

Note: there is a very primitive magic wander allow you to select mono-colored portion of a image, you can set the RGB tolerance for best selection.

Copy the select area:
Click on the copy button or press "Enter" key after you did the selection. The selected area is copied to the clipboard to be pasted to current application or any other application such as MS Word, Paint that can paste image. Notice that you can keep select other area as you want after you click on the copy. As developer decided that if an image is in selection mode, you can't paste on it unless you press "Esc" or cancel the selection.

Cut the selected area from an image Similar to copy, instead of clicking on copy button, you can cut the current select area by click on the cut button on the toolbar. As you cut you can select the fill color for cut area, just set the color panel in the left tool bar and select the color you wanted. 

Paste a selected area to another image:
Just simply switch to the photo panel on which you want the selected area to be pasted and click on paste button on the toolbar. Then you will see the selected area is pasted on current photo panel. Actually, an new layer is created for the pasted image. It can be treated as an layer, thus you have full control of it for move, erase, delete, move backward and forward. Please see Layer management for details.

Paste a selected area as a new image:
Photobie allows you to create a new image with the selected area that is just selected and copied to the clipboard. You can simply click on "Edit->>Paste new" to accomplish this.