- A small floating Capture Panel that can be
dragged anywhere or minimized to the Windows tray area
- Resource friendly - uses a very small
amount of memory, especially when minimized to the Windows tray area
- Global hotkeys to activate the program's capture capabilities
anytime, anywhere
- Efficient tools to capture windows,
objects, full screen, rectangle/freehand-selected regions and scrolling areas
- Capture web pages in Microsoft Internet
Explorer, FireFox and Opera
- Option to specify destination
(internal editor, clipboard, file or printer) where the captured image will be sent
- Text/Arrowed line/Highlight/Watermark annotation
- Drop-shadow, torn-edge and fade-edge effects
- Add caption
- Resize, crop, zoom in/out
- Undo/Redo
- Support external editors
- Save as BMP, JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, GIF,
- Send e-mails
- Send screenshots to Microsoft Word and
- Screen magnifier
- Screen color picker
- Multi-monitor support
- Option to run when Windows starts
- And many more ...