Cyberhawk Options

The Options tab is the 5th down the left on the main Cyberhawk control panel.  It has 3 tabs across the top:  General, Quarantine, and Rootkit Scan.


General Options

The items in the General Options tab are:

Cyberhawk Protection

Check for Updates

Community Protection


Quarantine Options (CYBERHAWK PRO only)

If you are using Windows XP or later version of Windows, you can tell Cyberhawk to automatically set a System Restore Point before performing any quarantine action.  While it is very rare that there would be any problems during quarantine, having a system restore point to revert back to is just an added safety measure to make it easy to recover from any potential problem.


To set this option, simply check the checkbox to Set System Restore Point.  Should you decide you wish to stop setting restore points, simply uncheck the same box.


Rootkit Scan Options (CYBERHAWK PRO only)

We recommend that you scan for rootkits at least once a week.  Under the Rootkit Scan options tab you can configure Cyberhawk to conduct either a Quick Scan or Full Scan automatically for you at the time and frequency of your choice.


To schedule an automatic scan:

  1. Check the Run a scheduled scan box to indicate that you wish to turn on and run automatic scans.  

  2. Use the Time, Repeat, and Type dropdown boxes to choose the scanÆs start time, repeat frequency and type.

  3. Click OK to confirm your scan options.

  4. Click Cancel to cancel your dropdown box selections.


You must click OK to confirm that you wish to run an automatic scan with the specified scan choices.


Important:  Please note that when you run an automatic scan, any items found will be automatically quarantined.  You can manage quarantined items in the Quarantine section of the Threat Control Center.