On slow PC or Slow video card you may experience corrupted display. Resize the board to clear it
Program versions:
1.02 Fix problem with missing menu under Window 95
1.03 New dialogs and OS/2 version.
1.04 Fall mode and toolbar.
1.05 Attraction mode, Disabled people access, 3D display, Background bitmap, two tile sets.
1.06 Same features. OS/2 code rework to avoid problem with GRADD drivers. Code maintenance.
1.07 Same features. OS/2 code rework to avoid problem with GRADD drivers. Code maintenance.
1.08 Added 7 tile sets in a DLL file. The file must be in the same directory.
1.09 Add custom background bitmap
1.10 Suppress most of cheat facilities. Add restart with clear mode.
1.11 Fix 3D bug introduced in 1.10. Button bitmaps by Klaus Staedtler-Przyborski.
1.12-Fix problems with SDD drivers
1.13-Place OS/2 profile in application path (OS/2 version)
1.14-Add external tile sets.
1.15 Adjust toolbar position and size (Windows XP)
1.15 Create a version for Irina Allegrova fan club
1.16-Maintenance release.
1.17 Add national language support
1.20 Add full screen mode รป re-write the program in UNICODE
1.30 New .Net framework version written in C# using Windows Presentation Fondation.