
On this tab, you can define additional True Launch Bar toolbars. To create a new toolbar, click on the “New” button. In the folder selection dialog that appears, select the toolbar folder that contains the necessary shortcuts and settings and then click “OK”. You can instantly activate the new toolbar by clicking on the “Activate” button. If you want to delete an existing toolbar, select it on the list and then hit “Delete”. Please note: when a toolbar is deleted, all files in its folder remain intact. If a deleted toolbar is currently open, it will remain open, and you will have to close it manually if that is necessary. Clicking on the “Activate” button will replace the current toolbar with the new toolbar content.

In the “Name” field, you can set the toolbar name. In the “Path” field, you can set the full path to the toolbar folder.

The new toolbar will appear on the context menu, within the “Switch Toolbar” item, so you can switch current toolbar to the new folder instantly.