Customizing menu

To customize a menu, right-click on the item to be customized and then select the “Customize Menu…” item:

Here you can choose the tabs with the settings on the left.


The “Docking point” and “Menu align” settings allow you to create truly innovative combinations of menus:

The following settings were used in this example:

First-level menu:

Second-level menu:

Third-level menu:

Overlay image

Overlay image is displayed under all menu items. The transparency of the image, its position within a menu, and its dimensions are up to you. It is not recommended that you use overlay images with no transparency. Please note that using overlay images may affect the performance. Although it makes the menus look really pretty.

We will now take a closer look at overlay image settings:

As it was mentioned already, using overlay images can negatively affect the performance. This is especially true when you apply stretching.

True Launch Bar can save overlay image with the toolbar if the “Save image with toolbar” option is enabled. When the image is saved with the toolbar, the image file will be copied to the toolbar folder. Later on, you can select that image on the popup list. The image is also preserved when the toolbar is backed up or restored.

Filtering folder

The content of any virtual folder can be filtered by a number of terms. You can set a mask for files to be shown or hidden by TLB. You can also select the files that were created or modified within a specific number of days. There are two types of filtering available.

Permanent filtering (Apply filter to all new files/folders enabled). With the permanent filtering enabled, TLB will always filter the applicable files, and the menu will have no hidden files.

Temporary filtering (Apply filter to all new files/folders disabled). With the temporary filtering enabled, TLB will only hide files that do not meet the filtration terms. This happens only once. The filtration will not be applied to the new files. Moreover, TLB will set the “Hidden” attribute on all files that do not meet the filtration terms, and you can unhide a necessary file at any time by toggling the “Show hidden” option.