; TaskSwitchXP Pro 2.05 English Language File (Template) ; Translated by Alexander Avdonin ;############################################################################## ; Changes for version 2.06 (May 16, 2005) ; Added strings: ; => 20111="Add minimized to tray windows to the end of Alt-Tab list" ;############################################################################## ;############################################################################## ; TaskSwitchXP enumerates all *.LNG files into .\lang subfolder! ; To add a language for TaskSwitchXP: ; 1) translate this file; ; 2) save it as .lng in UNICODE format ; (for Notepad: select File->Save_As and then choose Unicode encoding); ; 3) test it before submitting!!! ; ; Translations forum/tracker: http://www.ntwind.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=3 ; ; I will include some translations to my official release (if you accept!)... ; Please put your e-mail address for feedback somewhere! ; There are a few special characters (two symbols are recognized as one): ; 1) carriage return and new line: \r\n ; 2) tab: \t ; 3) quotation mark: \" ; 4) back slash: \\ ; NOTE: These language files will generally work with future versions of ; TaskSwitchXP, but some strings will appear in English. I will put a ; change log for future versions in the comments of this file. ;############################################################################## ; Currently TaskSwitchXP uses *.LNG file names for language identifying. ; This string is ignored. Please put here for future versions: ; 19999="English_LanguageName (Native_LanguageName)" ; e.g. 19999="German (Deutsch)" 19999="English" ; Cofiguration 20000="TaskSwitchXP Pro 2.0 Configuration" 20001="OK" 20002="Cancel" 20003="Apply" ; Filters 20031="TaskSwitchXP Configuration Files (*.cfg)" ; Pages 20050="General" 20051="Appearance" 20052="Task List" 20053="Preview" 20054="Task Info" 20055="Hotkeys" 20056="Exclusions" 20057="Advanced" 20058="About" ; Page descriptions 20070="General Settings" 20071="Appearance Settings" 20072="Task List" 20073="Preview Settings" 20074="Task Information" 20075="TaskSwitchXP Hot Keys" 20076="TaskSwitchXP Exclusions" 20077="Advanced Settings" 20078="About TaskSwitchXP" ; General page 20100="Language:" 20101="Find more translations..." 20102="Use separate settings for each user in the system" 20103="Autostart TaskSwitchXP on system startup" 20104="Set high priority for TaskSwitchXP" 20105="Check for Ms PowerToy TaskSwitcher running" 20106="Tray icons:" 20107="Show TaskSwitchXP system tray icon on start" 20108="Use custom icon:" 20109="Minimize windows to tray by right-click on Minimize button" 20110="Keep TaskSwitchXP tray icons from WinXP auto-hide feature" 20111="Add minimized to tray windows to the end of Alt-Tab list" 20120="Restore defaults" 20121="Load..." 20122="Save..." ; Appearance page 20200="Position on screen:" 20201="Show on active monitor" 20202="Drop shadow on TaskSwitchXP window" 20203="Enable transparency for TaskSwitchXP window:" 20204="Enable fade in animation (in milliseconds):" 20205="Enable fade out animation (in milliseconds):" 20206="Preferred draw modes:" 20207="XP Visual style:" 20208="Classic style:" 20209="Force use TaskSwitchXP Classic style" 20210="Left-right pane order" ; Position on screen 20270="Top - Left" 20271="Top - Center" 20272="Top - Right" 20273="Center - Left" 20274="Centered" 20275="Center - Right" 20276="Bottom - Left" 20277="Bottom - Center" 20278="Bottom - Right" ; Modern XP skins 20280="Start Panel style (default)" 20281="PowerToy TaskSwitcher style" 20282="Simple Window style" 20283="Flat XP style" 20284="Soft XP style" 20285="TaskBar style" ; Classical skins 20290="Start Panel style (default)" 20291="Flat Start Panel style" ; Task List page 20300="List view:" 20301="Number of columns:" 20302="Width (in pixels):" 20303="Number of lines:" 20304="Small icons" 20305="Enable tooltips for icon list" 20306="Enable cursor hand for hot-tracked item" ; or something like 20307="Enable mouse over selection", ; I've translated it to Russian as: 20307="Select list item under cursor" 20307="Enable mouse hot-tracking selection" 20308="Inverse mouse wheel" 20309="Selection style:" 20310="Draw focus rectangle" 20311="Text style and colors:" 20312="Font:" 20313="Size:" 20314="B" 20315="I" 20316="Color index:" ; List views 20390="Icons" 20391="Vertical list" ; Selection styles 20380="Frame" 20381="Filled rectangle" 20382="Rounded rectangle" ; Color indexes 20370="Plain text" 20371="Selected text" 20372="Selection background" 20373="Marked text 1" 20374="Mark background 1" 20375="Marked text 2" 20376="Mark background 2" ; Preview page 20400="Preview style:" 20401="\"Desktop\" preview style" 20402="\"Window\" preview style" 20403="Include Windows taskbar to preview image" 20404="Draw only latest popup window of application" 20405="Don't draw desktop background in preview (old v1.0 style)" 20406="Paint desktop wallpaper as background" 20407="Draw border around preview image" 20408="Center preview image vertically" 20409="Show minimized window captions in preview (*)" 20410="Exclude all transparent windows from preview (*)" 20411="Width of preview image (in pixels):" 20412="Delay of first preview generation (in milliseconds):" 20413="Don't cache preview images" 20414="Enable preview live update (in milliseconds):" ; Info page 20500="Caption pane:" 20501="Font:" 20502="Size:" 20503="B" 20504="I" 20505="Color:" 20506="Draw shadow:" 20507="Deep:" 20508="Color:" 20509="Show application icon in caption pane" 20510="Use small caption pane" 20511="Info pane:" 20512="Font:" 20513="Size:" 20514="B" 20515="I" 20516="Color:" 20517="Draw shadow:" 20518="Deep:" 20519="Color:" 20520="Height:" 20521="Format:" ; Info formats 20590="None" 20591="Task number only" 20592="Process ID" 20593="Process Name" 20594="Process Name [PID]" 20595="Program Description" ; Hotkeys page 20600="Replace standard Windows Alt-Tab task switcher" 20601="Enable instance switcher by Ctrl+Alt+[Shift]+Tab" ; or something like 20602="Don't hide TaskSwitchXP window on Alt releasing" 20602="Enable Alt-Tab \"sticky\" mode" ; or something like 20603="Use low-level method to replace Alt-Tab" 20603="Use low-level keyboard hook to replace Alt-Tab" 20604="TaskSwitchXP control:" 20605="Applications list:" 20606="Instances list:" 20607="Configure TaskSwitchXP:" 20608="Show/Hide system tray icon:" 20609="Exit TaskSwitchXP:" 20610="Additional hotkeys:" 20611="Minimize window to tray:" 20612="Restore from tray:" ; Exclusions page 20700="New..." 20701="Edit..." 20702="Remove" ; List groups 20780="Preview drawing" 20781="Window enumeration" 20790="Name" 20791="Parameters" ; Advanced page 20800="Window titles:" 20801="Use captions of main applications windows" 20802="Advanced interface settings:" 20803="Remove caption pane" 20804="Remove info pane" 20805="Tray icon actions:" 20806="Context menu:" 20807="Configuration:" 20808="Applications list:" 20809="Instances list:" 20810="Configurator settings:" 20811="Show configuration window always on top" 20812="Remember configuration window position" 20813="Remember last configuration page" 20814="Start TaskSwitchXP on start/close" ; Tray icon actions 20890="None" 20891="Left mouse click" 20892="Left mouse double-click" 20893="Middle mouse click" 20894="Middle mouse double-click" 20895="Right mouse click" 20896="Right mouse double-click" ; About page ; Information about you: contact email, website, etc. ; PLEASE NO COMMERCIAL ADS, ONLY YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! ; ; You can place here a text with two links in HTML format: ; 1) homepage ; 2) e-mail ; Don't forget about special characters (like as \" and \\) in HTML tags, and ; check out your links! ; ; You can also place here a salutation for TaskSwitchXP users! ;) 20900="Translated by John Smith...\r\nOther information about you..." ; Exclusions dialog 22000="TaskSwitchXP Exclusion" 22001="OK" 22002="Cancel" 22003="Active applications:" 22004="Update" 22005="Exclusion name:" 22006="Exclude by:" 22007="Process name:" 22008="Window class:" 22009="Window title:" 22010="Exclude from:" 22011="preview drawing" 22012="window enumeration" 22013="Enabled" 22090="" ; not excluded 22091=">> excluded from preview" 22092=">> excluded from enumeration" ; Configurator Errors 30000="TaskSwitchXP Configurator Error" 30002="Could not start TaskSwitchXP.exe! Check your TaskSwitchXP installation." 30003="Could not save settings into registry. Check your access rights." 30004="Could not load settings from file." 30005="Could not load settings from file. Default settings are restored." 30006="Could not save settings to file." ; Hints for exclusion dialog 30100="Unnamed exclusion" 30101="Please specify a exclusion name." 30102="No parameters" 30103="Please specify a exlusion parameter(s)." 30104="No process name" 30105="Please specify a process name." 30106="No window class" 30107="Please specify a window class." ; Confirmations 30900="TaskSwitchXP Confirmation" 30901="TaskSwitchXP has detected more than one display monitors are active in your system.\r\nDo you want to enable \"Window\" preview mode to show all previews from secondary monitor(s)?" ; TaskSwitchXP Language Strings ; Tray menu 31000="Applications list" 31001="Instances list" 31002="Preferences..." 31003="Exit" 31020="Quick preferences" 31021="Hide tray icon" 31022="Replace Alt-Tab" 31023="Enable Instance switcher" 31024="Enable Alt-Tab ""sticky"" mode" 31025="Use low-level keyboard hook" 31026="New exclusion..." 31050="Help" 31051="Documentation" 31052="Home Page" 31053="About TaskSwitchXP" ; Tray menu for minimized applications 31090="TSXP: %d app(s)" 31091="Restore All" 31092="Minimize All" 31093="Close All" 31094="Restore" 31095="Minimize" 31096="Close" ; Task List menu 31110="Switch To" 31111="Minimize" 31112="Minimize to Tray" 31113="Cascade" 31114="Tile Horizontally" 31115="Tile Vertically" 31116="Restore" 31117="Maximize" 31118="Close" 31119="End Process" ; Common menu 31150="Show Process Info" 31151="Select All" 31152="Select None" 31153="Remove Selected" 31154="Sort by Title" 31155="Sort by Application" ; Process Info mask ; Here are used some terms from Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc, Processes ; tab, View->Select Columns...)! ; WARNING: Don't replace %x special characters!!! 31500="Image Name: %s\r\nProcess ID: %u\r\n\r\nDuration: %u:%02u:%02u\r\nCPU Time: %u:%02u:%02u\r\n\r\nMem Usage: %uK\r\nVM Size: %uK" 31501="N/A" ; Process information is not available... ; Confirmations 31900="TaskSwitchXP confirmation" 31901="TaskSwitchXP is already running. Do you want to stop it?" 31902="Are you sure you want to exit TaskSwitchXP?" 31903="TaskSwitchXP has detected Ms PowerToy TaskSwitcher is running.\r\nDo you want to terminate it?" ; Errors 32000="TaskSwitchXP Error" 32002="Initialization failed." 32003="Could not install low level keyboard hook." 32004="Could not register hot key Alt+Tab or Alt+Shift+Tab.\r\nAnother application may have already registered it." 32005="Could not register hot key Ctrl+Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab.\r\nAnother application may have already registered it." 32006="Could not start ConfigTsXP.exe! Check your TaskSwitchXP installation." 32500="Could not register hot key:\r\n\r\nName: %s\r\nModifiers: %02X\r\nVirtual Code: %02X" 32501="Exit TaskSwitchXP" 32502="Show/Hide tray icon" 32503="Configure TaskSwitchXP" 32504="Applications list" 32505="Instances list" 32506="Minimize window to tray" 32507="Restrore from tray"