=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= History of TaskSwitchXP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [!] Important [+] New [-] Fixed error [*] Changes Version 2.0.11 8/08/2006 ================================================= [+] New interface languages (30+ now). [-] Issue with a virus false positive in NSIS installer was fixed. [-] Some issues with multi-monitor support were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.10 25/06/2006 ================================================= [+] New interface languages. [-] Issue with disabled balloon tips was fixed [-] Small issue with task switching was finally fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.10 20/05/2006 ================================================= [+] TaskSwitchXP now can work on multiple desktops. [*] Sticky Alt+Tab+Tab works like as normal Alt+Tab. [*] Corrections and updates in language files. [-] Some issues with WindowBlinds themes were fixed. [-] Small issue with window enumeration was fixed. [-] One more small issue with task switching was fixed. Version 2.0.9 4/02/2006 ================================================= [+] New interface languages. [*] Improved animation for minimizing to tray. [+] Second press of the sticky hotkey works now like as Enter. [-] Bug with MSN Messenger conversation window was fixed. [-] Bug with switching to multiple windows was fixed. [-] Bug of installer with unsupported language was fixed. [-] Bug with MS Office Outlook message icon was fixed. [-] Some issues with text colors were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.8 25/08/2005 ================================================= [+] New interface languages. [+] Google Sidebar (http://desktop.google.com) now is visible on the preview. [-] Some issues with task switching (in v2.07) were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.7 27/07/2005 ================================================= [+] New interface languages. [-] Small bug with focus was fixed. [-] Small bug with fast Alt+Tab was fixed. [*] Some cosmetical fixes in installer. Version 2.0.6 18/07/2005 ================================================= [!] Considerable preview speed improvement! [+] New interface languages (17+!). [+] Ability to add minimized to tray windows to the end of Alt-Tab list. [+] Some new shortcut keys (preferences, sticky, etc). [+] Some new command line parameters. [+] Some new "secret" features (http://www.ntwind.com/forum/). ;) [-] One more small issue with minimizing to tray was fixed. [-] One more small issue with colors was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.5 12/04/2005 ================================================= [!] First official 2.0 release: new homepage, new features and languages! [!] First German translation (by Markus Schuster aka eVo)! [!] First Russian translation! [!] Multilingual user interface!!! [!] New help docs were added. [-] Default preview mode for multiple monitors was fixed. [-] Small bug with restricted user accounts was fixed. [-] Small bugs with default colors were fixed. [-] Small bug with minimizing to tray was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 2.0.4 beta 25/02/2005 ================================================= [*] TaskSwitchXP now restores tray icons after Explorer crashes. [*] Middle-click on blank area marks item as multiple selected. [-] Some bugs with tray icon actions were fixed. [-] Some bugs with window enumeration were fixed. [-] Memory leak with rounded selection style was fixed. [*] Some stability and performance fixes. Version 2.0.3 alpha 14/02/2005 ================================================= [!] List multiple selections. [!] Context menus. [+] New window and task management commands. [+] List sorting by title and filename. [+] 5 new interface schemes. [+] Configurable info pane formats. [+] Configurable info pane and list fonts. [+] New list selection style. [+] Menus for minimized to system tray apps. [+] New option "Keep TaskSwitchXP tray icons from WinXP auto-hide feature". [+] New option "Show on active monitor". [+] New option "Exclude all layered windows from preview" (troubleshooting). [+] "Sticky" mode for alt-tab. [+] Fade out animation. [+] Some new shortcut keys. [*] Some default settings were changed. [-] Bugs with window enumeration were fixed!!! [-] Some bugs with long exe paths were fixed. [-] Some bugs with hot-tracking selection were fixed. [-] Bug with Alt+Win+[Shift]+Tab was fixed. [-] Bug with minimized MSN Messenger Conversation window was fixed. [-] Some small bugs with minimizing to tray were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. [*] Some stability and performance fixes. Version 1.1.2 alpha 19/01/2005 ================================================= [+] New improved tray menu with quick preferences. [+] TaskSwitchXP now detects Ms PowerToy TaskSwitcher running. [+] Minimizing windows to system tray. [+] Desktop wallpaper caching. [+] Old v1.0 style of preview image (without desktop background). [+] Fade in animation. [+] Cursor hand for hot-tracked item. [+] Task closing and killing. [+] Some new shortcut keys. [*] Some default settings were changed. [-] Some bugs with Instance Switcher were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. [*] Some stability and performance fixes. Version 1.1.1 alpha 14/12/2004 ================================================= [*] New configurator interface. [+] Advanced settings. [+] TaskSwitchXP exclusions. [+] Info pane settings. [+] Instance switcher. [+] Low level AltTab hooking. [+] Configurable hotkeys. [+] Extended task information (click on preview image or press F1). [*] New "Window" preview style. [*] Option "Don't create exclusion region for window preview" was removed. [-] Bug with multiple instances of configurator was fixed. [-] Bug with service messages was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. [*] Some stability and performance fixes. Version 1.1.0 alpha 8/11/2004 ================================================= [+] TaskSwitchXP draw modes (+ PowerToy TaskSwitcher style). [+] Vertical window titles list and small icons list. [+] Configurable list sizes, selection style and colors. [+] Preview of all application windows. [+] Preview images caching. [+] Preview live update. [+] "Desktop" preview mode. [+] Configurable generation delay and size of preview image. [+] Multiple monitor support. [+] System tray icon. Version 1.0.27 (final after final) 14/10/2004 ================================================= [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.26 (final) 7/10/2004 ================================================= [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.25 5/10/2004 ================================================= [*] Parameter "Set high priority for TaskSwitchXP" now is enabled by default. [*] Memory usage optimization! Version 1.0.24 3/10/2004 ================================================= [+] TaskSwitchXP documentation. [-] Bug with minimized layered windows was fixed (disabling transparency). [-] Bug with some hidden windows was fixed (same as Muxasoft Dialer, BeFaster). [-] Some small bugs with hung and debugged applications were fixed. [*] Some cosmetical changes. Version 1.0.23 30/09/2004 ================================================= [-] Some small bugs with window switching algorithm were fixed. [-] Bug with multiple exit confirmations was fixed. [*] Some cosmetical changes. Version 1.0.22 26/09/2004 ================================================= [*] Default TaskSwitchXP window sizes were changed. [*] New task info format (image name, PID). [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.21 25/09/2004 ================================================= [-] Bug with same windows (like an edit message in The Bat!) now was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. [*] Some optimization. Version 1.0.20 19/09/2004 ================================================= [+] Mouse over selection for icon list. [+] "Enable mouse over selection for icon list" configuration parameter. [-] Bug with same Firefox windows (1.0.18) was fixed. Version 1.0.19 16/09/2004 ================================================= [-] Bug with autostart registry string in previous version (1.0.18) was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.18 15/09/2004 ================================================= [*] New better installer. [*] New window switching algorithm. [*] New particular keystrokes listening algorithm (similar to version 1.0.10 with RegisterHotKey). [*] New window switching algorithm (with SwitchToThisWindow). [+] TaskSwitchXP now can reload configuration settings (restart is not required). [-] Bug with floating toolbars was fixed. [-] Bug with unexpected TaskSwitchXP window destroy was fixed. [-] Bugs with full-screen console and 3D applications were fixed. [-] Bug with owned tool windows (same as PSPad dialogs) was fixed. [-] Bug with minimized window restore was fixed. [-] Small bug with selection of first inactive window was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.17 8/09/2004 ================================================= [-] Bugs with AltTab hook in previous version (1.0.16) were fixed. [-] Bug with 2-Alt+Tab was fixed. [-] Bug with multiple owned windows of same owner was fixed. Version 1.0.16 5/09/2004 ================================================= [-] Bug with console windows was fixed. [-] Bug with full-screen applications was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.15 31/08/2004 ================================================= [!] TaskSwitchXP distributes only as special build (without CRT). [-] Small bug with Esc key was fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. [*] Some optimization. Version 1.0.14 30/08/2004 ================================================= [+] Selection by mouse wheel for icon list. [+] "Inverse mouse wheel" configuration parameter. [-] Bug with minimized owner window was fixed. [*] Keyboard hook was optimized. [*] Some optimization. Version 1.0.13 28/08/2004 ================================================= [*] New window switching algorithm (over and over again). [!] First TaskSwitchXP special build (without CRT) - even SMALLER!!! Version 1.0.12 25/08/2004 ================================================= [+] Rendering with Windows Classic style. [+] "Force use Windows Classic style to draw TaskSwitchXP" configuration parameter. [+] TaskSwitchXP now shows error icons for closed applications. [-] Bug with theme change was fixed. [-] Bug with null shadow deep was fixed. [-] Color of selection rectangle was fixed. Version 1.0.11 19/08/2004 ================================================= [+] Keyboard navigation for icon list (use Home, End and arrow keys). [*] New window switching algorithm (bug with fast window switching was fixed). [*] New particular keystrokes listening algorithm (without RegisterHotKey). [*] Delay of preview generation now depends on system keyboard delay. [+] New configuration parameter for window preview. [*] Some optimization. Version 1.0.10 30/07/2004 ================================================= [+] Tooltips for icon list. [+] Mouse control for icon list (selection and switching). [+] New configuration parameters for mouse control and for tooltips. [*] Some optimization. [-] Bug with "ghost-icon" was fixed. Version 1.0.9 14/07/2004 ================================================= [+] "Set high priority for TaskSwitchXP" configuation parameter. [*] New window enumeration algorithm. [*] New closed applications processing. [-] Bugs with "hung" applications were fixed. [-] Some small bugs were fixed. Version 1.0.8 20/06/2004 ================================================= [!] First public release.