----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Core Media Player Control Module ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Version: 1.00 Release Date: November 14, 2004 Copyright: CoreCodec Inc. TCMP Homepage: http://www.tcmp.org or http://www.corecoded.com TCMP Support Forums: http://forums.tcmp.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1 - Overview 2 - TCMP Control Switchs 3 - Support 4 - License 5 - Thanx 1 - Overview ------------ > The Core Media Player Control module is a simple program to send command lines remotely to TCMP. In a 'real world' example you can use this control module to allow a third party application or even a simple script to control TCMP remotely, like Mirc, foxytunes, CLI apps, etc. 2 - TCMP Control Switchs ------------------------ > Below are the lists of available commands that can be sent to the TCMP Control Module. If you want more added or if something is missing, send an email to support@corecodec.com and we will look into it for you. Add a file to the playlist : TCMPControl /add filename Play a file (clear playlist) : TCMPControl /play filename Add and play a file : TCMPControl /addplay filename Play a file already in the playlist : TCMPControl /playpl filename Play a dvd : TCMPControl /dvd Load a skin/playlist/file : TCMPControl filename Remote control TCMP : TCMPControl -cmd CMD_ID List of commands : COMMANDS ID ---------------------------------------------------- TCMP_CMD_Play 1 TCMP_CMD_Pause 2 TCMP_CMD_Stop 3 TCMP_CMD_Next 4 TCMP_CMD_Previous 5 TCMP_CMD_Jump10sBackward 6 TCMP_CMD_Jump10sForward 7 TCMP_CMD_NextBookmarkChapter 8 TCMP_CMD_PreviousBookmarkChapter 9 TCMP_CMD_VolumeUp 10 TCMP_CMD_VolumeDown 11 TCMP_CMD_Mute 12 TCMP_CMD_Repeat 13 TCMP_CMD_Shuffle 14 TCMP_CMD_FullScreen 15 TCMP_CMD_Zoom50Percent 16 TCMP_CMD_Zoom100Percent 17 TCMP_CMD_Zoom200Percent 18 TCMP_CMD_CycleAudio 19 TCMP_CMD_CycleSubtitles 20 TCMP_CMD_CycleMonitors 21 TCMP_CMD_CycleAspectRatio 22 TCMP_CMD_IncreasePanScan 23 TCMP_CMD_DecreasePanScan 24 TCMP_CMD_ResetPanScan 25 TCMP_CMD_HalfRate 26 TCMP_CMD_NormalRate 27 TCMP_CMD_DoubleRate 28 TCMP_CMD_ShowPlayer 29 TCMP_CMD_AlwaysOnTop 30 TCMP_CMD_StartVis 31 TCMP_CMD_StopVis 32 TCMP_CMD_StartDSP 33 TCMP_CMD_StopDSP 34 TCMP_CMD_AddSubDelay 35 TCMP_CMD_RemSubDelay 36 TCMP_CMD_ResetSubDelay 37 TCMP_CMD_ShowSubtitles 38 TCMP_CMD_Exit 39 // --- DVD --- TCMP_CMD_RootMenu 40 TCMP_CMD_TitleMenu 41 TCMP_CMD_SubpictureMenu 42 TCMP_CMD_AudioMenu 43 TCMP_CMD_AngleMenu 44 TCMP_CMD_ChapterMenu 45 TCMP_CMD_MenuUp 46 TCMP_CMD_MenuDown 47 TCMP_CMD_MenuLeft 48 TCMP_CMD_MenuRight 49 TCMP_CMD_MenuSelect 50 // --- Show/Hide windows --- TCMP_CMD_Open 51 TCMP_CMD_OpenURL 52 TCMP_CMD_PlayDVDCD 53 TCMP_CMD_OptionsBox 54 TCMP_CMD_Playlist 55 TCMP_CMD_EQ 56 TCMP_CMD_MediaInfoBox 57 TCMP_CMD_VideoSizeBox 58 TCMP_CMD_MediaLibraryBox 59 TCMP_CMD_AddBookmark 60 TCMP_CMD_ManageBookmark 61 TCMP_CMD_Console 62 3 - Support ----------- > For support with TCMP we suggest you visit our Support Forums at: http://forums.tcmp.org For corporate support or those that prefer email, send it to support@corecodec.com 4 - License ----------- > Please see the enclosed license.txt for the latest licensing information on this module 5 - Thanx --------- > The Core Media Player is no ordinary Media Player. For years now it has been touched by many global developers and community feedback providers. Their support and feedback has produced one of the most cutting edge media players you can get today! So a BIG "Thank You!" goes out to everyone for their support, feedback and for our eventual world domination! ;) Regards, Dan "BetaBoy" Marlin CEO/CoreCodec betaboy@corecodec.com -EOF-