Some service providers have volume limits on their internet connections. You can configure Traffic Meter to your ISP specifications so that it becomes easy to monitor your downloads, uploads and your remaining volume.
First you need to set the "Volume size" to the size of your ISP internet volume (in MB). Then choose the type from the "Volume type" list. There are 3 types available:
Monthly pack: Counts the volume size until the first of the month, and then resets the used volume.
Monthly volume: Counts and maintains the volume size for the duration of each month. The used volume will not be reset on the end of each month but will still count for as long as 30 days after the downloaded day.
Weekly volume: Counts and maintains the volume size for the duration of each week. The used volume will not be reset on the end of each week but will still count for as long as 7days after the downloaded day.
Some ISP have night and day download ratios. If you set the 1/x value higher than 1, the amount downloaded will be divided by x between the start and the ending hour.
There are also 3 other options available. If you choose the "monthly pack" volume type you can set the day the monthly volume pack is reset using the "First day of volume" value.
If you enable the "Auto clear" option, only the statistics of the current month, week or last 30 days (depending on your volume type) will be kept.
If your ISP counts only download as part of the volume instead of download and upload, you can check the "Count only download" option so that only the incomming traffic is used to calculate your volume.
By default, only the "up/down" tasktray icon is displayed. This consists of two arrows (up & down), respectively indicating if there is an upload or a download stream. If you enable the "Display volume meter tray icon" option a second task tray icon will appear. This icon is a green bar indicating how much of your volume you have left. The red bar represents the amount of volume you have already used.
When the "volume" tasktray icon is displayed, you also have the option to hide the "up/down" task tray icon. Uncheck the "Display up/down tasktray icon" option to hide it.