Queue settings

Autoprio settings

Autoprio allows setting the queue item priority automatically when adding it to the download queue. A user can then change the priority of a file manually.
Priority conditions are checked from the Highest to the Lowest priority, when assigning a priority to a new queue item. A zero means that the given priority level won't be used - except Normal priority, which is the default priority. Lowest possible value for the Highest priority is 16 KiB.
Highest prio max size
Files with the same or under the entered size will be set to Highest as priority. (default: 64 KiB)
Normal prio max size
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest and High prio max size, will be set to Normal as priority. (default: 0 KiB)
High prio max size
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest prio max size, will be set to High as priority. (default: 0 KiB)
Low prio max size
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest, High and Normal prio max size, will be set to Low as priority. (default: 0 KiB)

Autodrop settings

Autodrop allows automatical removal (or disconnecting) of slow download sources. By default, slow sources are removed.
Drop sources below x B/s
If the download speed of a file is below the entered value, the source will be dropped. (default: 1024 B/s)
Min elapsed
Amount of time (in seconds) that has to pass since the download started before a source can be dropped. (default: 15 s)
Min sources online
Minimum amount of sources before any sources will be dropped. (default: 1)
Check every x s
Check every x second(s) if the source is slow. (default: 10 s)
Max inactivity
This is the maximal time since the last chunk of data for the file was recieved. It is meant to improve speed measurement accuracy and to prevent dropping sources that are going to be disconnected only because of their current inactivity. (default: 10 s)
Min filesize
Minimum filesize before sources will be dropped (in KiB). (default: 0 KiB)
All of the above autodrop options are necessary to estimate and disconnect/drop sources properly.

Other queue options

To enable autodrop, turn on either "Autodrop slow sources for all queue items" or "Remove slow file lists" (or both of them).
Set lowest prio for newly added files larger than Low prio size
With this enabled, files that are larger than Low prio max size are set to Lowest as priority. If disabled, the files will be set to Normal as priority.
Autodrop slow sources for all queued items (except file lists)
This option removes the slow sources for all queue items (except file lists).
Remove slow filelists
With this option enabled, DC++ will delete a file list whose speed was recognized as too slow.
Don't remove the source when autodropping, only disconnect
With this option enabled, sources will only be disconnected but not removed from the queue.
Automatically Search for Alternative Download Locations
Every few minutes, the client will search for files in your Download Queue to find more download locations (more users/sources). If the download was started with a TTH root hash available, the autosearch will find exact matches by searching via hash. Otherwise, the autosearch will try to find matches by searching with a slightly modified version of the filename.
Automatically Match Queue for Auto Search Hits
Enable to automatically download a user's list and match them as sources for files in your Download Queue when they've been discovered as a source for one of the files you're downloading. If you download files in sets, that user is probably a source for many more files you're downloading. Enable if unsure. The drawbacks are that it might add slower sources, possibly increasing the time needed to complete a download, and that you'll download a lot of file lists.
Skip Zero-Byte Files
When this option is enabled, any zero byte files you try to download will be silently skipped. Sometimes empty files contain information through their naming. However every file, even an empty one, will consume some drive space.
Don't download files already in share
This option will stop you from downloading files which already exist in one of your shared directories. Note that this only works with those files which have a TTH.
Use AntiFragmentation Method for Downloads
This option will try to reserve the full space needed for a file when starting the download. This should reduce the fragmentation of files on your hard drive. (Fragmentation is bad because reading files from your drive will take longer because the drive head has to hop from place to place instead of reading in a continuous fashion.) Disable if unsure. The drawbacks are a short pause at the start of every download during which the drive space is reserved, less drive space being available while you are downloading, and possibly losing all progress on your download if Windows crashes and DC++ cannot exit cleanly.
Advanced resume using TTH
Enables a more advanced form of transfer resuming than the rollback method. The last block of the incomplete file will be checked for validity using the leaves, retrieved from the remote client, of the TTH. If the block fails verification, the previous block in the file will be tried, and so on, until a good block is found, or there is no more data in the file.
Only download files that have a TTH
With this option enabled, DC++ will only download files that have a TTH.