main panel

Volume/Balance/Pitch Control
Use this slider to adjust the current volume, balance or pitch setting. Right click on the speaker icon to choose between volume, balance & pitch controls; right click on the slider to centre the control.

Progress Bar
Left click and drag anywhere within the bar to jump to a specific position within the current track.

Progress Counter
Left click to toggle between Track Elapsed & Track Remaining, right click to change the counter font or color.

Display Meter
Left click to toggle between the VU Meter & Spectrum Analyser display styles, right click to change the display colors.

Tab Control
Use this to toggle between the currently loaded playlist & any available Audio CDs.

Left click on a column header to sort the playlist. To change the track order, left click and drag a track to the desired position. Right click on the playlist to display a context menu containing various functions.

VUPlayer Help v2.44 (26 August 2006)