E-mail protection statistics
You will find general information on component operation in the main window of the program. In order to examine them, select
Mail Anti-Virus in the
Protection section of the main window.
The Statistics section contains information on how many e-mails (e-mail body, headers, attachments) have been scanned since Active Virus Shield was loaded, how many of them were classified as dangerous objects, and how many dangerous objects were not processed, for whatever reason. To view detailed information, left-click anywhere in the section and you will be presented with a full report.
Composite statistics for E-mail Anti-Virus are found in the upper part of the report. This often overlaps with information in the Statistics section of the program's main window.
Basic information on component operation is grouped by tab in the middle of the window.
- All the dangerous objects detected in your e-mails are listed on the Detected tab. In order for this tab not to contain information about disinfected e-mail objects, uncheck
Show neutralized objects.
- A complete list of events that have arisen while using E-mail Anti-Virus is kept on the Event log tab. Events can be either informative or critical. As a rule, the informative events are for reference only. You can disable the display of informative events. To do so, uncheck
Show non-critical events.
- Scan statistics appear on the appropriate tab. Here you will find the total number of e-mail objects scanned and then separate columns indicate how many objects out of the total number scanned are archives, how many are dangerous, how many have been disinfected, how many sent to Quarantine, etc.
- All component operation settings are displaying on the Settings tab.
You should also pay attention to the status of E-mail Anti-Virus and confirm that it is currently enabled. If an error occurs in component operation, we recommend that you try restarting the component. To do so, use the

button in the status field. If the next attempt produces the error again, save the report on component operation in a file using the
Save as button, contact Support.