Pausing / disabling File Anti-Virus

File Anti-Virus, and consequently the file protection on your computer, can be disabled in several ways. However, before doing so, we recommend that you establish the reason why you want to disable File Anti-Virus. It is possible that you could solve the problem using a different method, by changing the protection level or only disabling protection for certain files.
There are several ways of disabling File Anti-Virus. Let's look at them in more detail.
To pause File Anti-Virus,

select File Anti-Virus in the Protection section of the main window and click in the status field.

The component status will change to paused. File system protection from dangerous objects will be paused until you restart the program or enable the component using the button.

To stop File Anti-Virus,

Click the button on the status line. In this case, the component status will change to disabled. Protection will be disabled until you enable the component using the button.

The differences between the options listed above for disabling the component are:
To disable protection for your file system from dangerous objects,
  1. Open the Active Virus Shield settings window by clicking Settings in the main program window.
  2. Select File Anti-Virus in the settings tree.
  3. In the right-hand part of the window, uncheck the Enable File Anti-Virus box.

Remember that if you disabled File Anti-Virus in the settings window, it will NOT automatically be enabled after restarting the program. To restore file protection, you must check Enable File Anti-Virus or use the button on the component status line.

By disabling File Anti-Virus in the main window, the component status changes to disabled, and the component list in the Protection section its name will go inactive (gray).
File Anti-Virus can also be disabled by fully disabling protection on your computer.