What to do if protection is not running

If problems or errors arise in the performance of any protection component, be sure to check its status.
If the component status is not running or operation error, try restarting the program.
If the problem isn't solved by restarting the program, please review the support information on the Support Portal. Please save the failure report on the component and send it to us by clicking on the appropriate support link.
To save the report to file,
  1. Select the component in the Protection section of the main window and click anywhere in the Statistics section.
  2. Click the Save as button in the window that appears, and provide a filename to save the report.
To save a report for all Active Virus Shield components (protection components, virus scan tasks, support features),
  1. Select the Protection section in the main window of the program and click anywhere in the Statistics section.


    Click List of all reports in the report window for any component. Then Reports tab will list reports for all program components.
  1. Click the Save as button in the window that appears, and provide a filename to save the report.