Configuring connection settings

If you set the application to retrieve updates from either AOL update servers or from other ftp- or http-sites, we recommend that you first check your connection settings.
By default, to establish an Internet connection, the application uses the settings of the browser (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer). To change the connection settings, you should know whether a proxy is used and whether you are working behind a firewall. If you do not know this information, contact your system administrator or Internet provider.
All settings are grouped on a special tab - LAN Settings.
Select the Use passive FTP mode if possible checkbox if you download the updates from an FTP server in passive mode (for example, through a firewall). If you are working in the active FTP mode, clear this checkbox.
Check the Use proxy server box if you are using a proxy server to access the Internet and, if necessary, specify the following settings:
Note:  Account information cannot be used if the application is installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows 9X/NT that is not included as a part of the domain.
To prohibit using a proxy when the update source is a local folder, select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
This feature is unavailable under Windows 9X/NT 4.0. However, the proxy server is by default not used for local addresses.