Creating virus scan tasks
To scan objects on your computer for viruses, you can use
built-in scan tasks
included with the program, as well as creating your own tasks. New tasks are created based on scan tasks that already exist.
To create a new virus scan task,
- Select the task with the settings closest to those you need in the Scan section of the main program window.
Right-click or click the Actions button to the right of the scan object list and select Save as....
- Enter the name for the new task in the window that opens and click OK. A task with that name will then appear in the list of tasks in the Scan section of the main program window.
The maximum number of tasks the user can create is four.
The new task inherits all of the properties of the task on which it was based. You need to continue setting it up by creating an
scan object list, setting up
properties that will govern the task, and, if necessary, configuring a
schedule for running the task automatically.
To rename a task,
select the task in the Scan section of the main program window, right-click or click the Actions button on the right of the list of scan objects, and select Rename.
Enter the new name for the task in the window that opens and click OK. The task name will then be changed in the Virus scan section.
To delete a task,
select the task in the Scan section of the main program window, right-click or click the Actions button on the right of the list of scan objects, and select Delete.
Confirm that you want to delete the task in the window that asks you for confirmation. The task will then be deleted from the list of tasks in the Scan section.
You can only rename and delete tasks that you have created.
Also see: