WinSnap may be used free of charge only by a non-commercial entity for personal, educational and non-commercial purposes. Please see the License Agreement for further details.
That means you CAN buy the license if you like WinSnap and want to express your appreciation to the author. And you MUST buy it if you want to use WinSnap in any commercial environment.
Registration fee depends on the number of users who can install and use licensed version of WinSnap. There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for WinSnap, these are:
The price list is available at:
All licenses are lifetime with free upgrades to all future versions of WinSnap!
One registered copy of WinSnap may either be used by a single person on one or more computers. You must purchase a license for each person who uses WinSnap. The Personal License may not be shared by alternating use of WinSnap between different users.
The Site License authorizes the use of WinSnap by the purchaser or the purchaser's employees, on a maximum of 100 computers at the same physical SITE location. This SITE location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate.
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