object FormCustom: TFormCustom Left = 256 Top = 123 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Customize' ClientHeight = 349 ClientWidth = 598 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #65325#65331' '#65328#12468#12471#12483#12463 Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Scaled = False OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnPaint = FormPaint OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 12 object PanelBottom: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 300 Width = 598 Height = 49 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object ButtonOK: TButton Left = 408 Top = 12 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'OK' Default = True ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ButtonOKClick end object ButtonCancel: TButton Left = 496 Top = 12 Width = 75 Height = 25 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end end object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 598 Height = 300 ActivePage = TSMainView Align = alClient TabOrder = 1 object TSGeneral: TTabSheet Caption = 'General' object PanelGeneral: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 590 Height = 273 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object GBStartWith: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 97 Caption = 'FineView start with' TabOrder = 0 object CBLastFile: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = 'Open last image file viewed' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 0 end object RBMain: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 185 Height = 17 Caption = 'Main view' Checked = True TabOrder = 1 TabStop = True end object RBFilm: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 185 Height = 17 Caption = 'Film mode' TabOrder = 2 end end object GBSort: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 120 Width = 273 Height = 57 Caption = 'Arrange Files' TabOrder = 1 object RBSortName: TRadioButton Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'by Name' Checked = True TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True end object RBSortDate: TRadioButton Left = 136 Top = 24 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'by Date' TabOrder = 1 end end object GBIgnoreFiles: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 184 Width = 273 Height = 81 Caption = 'Ignore' TabOrder = 2 object LIgnore: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 209 Height = 12 Caption = 'Ignore file that includes following strings' end object EditIgnore: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 48 Width = 217 Height = 20 TabOrder = 0 Text = '_INCOMPLETE_' end end end end object TSDecoder: TTabSheet Caption = 'Decoder' ImageIndex = 3 object LSPILoadedDesc: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 112 Width = 85 Height = 12 Caption = 'LSPILoadedDesc' end object GBSpi: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 73 Caption = 'Susie Plug-in' TabOrder = 0 object CBUseSpi: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 225 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Susie plug-in' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CBUseSpiClick end object CBSearchSusieDir: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = 'Search Susie directory' TabOrder = 1 end end object RGJPEGDecoder: TRadioGroup Left = 304 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 81 Caption = 'RGJPEGDecoder' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'IJG' 'IJL' 'SPI') TabOrder = 1 end object ListView1: TListView Left = 16 Top = 128 Width = 273 Height = 134 Columns = < item Caption = 'Extension' Width = 100 end item Caption = 'Description' Width = 150 end> TabOrder = 2 ViewStyle = vsReport end end object TSMainView: TTabSheet Caption = 'MainView' ImageIndex = 1 object PanelMain: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 590 Height = 273 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object GBColor: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 192 Width = 273 Height = 57 Caption = 'Background color' TabOrder = 0 object PaintBox1: TPaintBox Left = 24 Top = 22 Width = 24 Height = 24 OnPaint = PaintBox1Paint end object ButtonChangeColor: TButton Left = 120 Top = 24 Width = 137 Height = 25 Caption = 'Change >>' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ButtonChangeColorClick end end object GBDblClick: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 120 Width = 273 Height = 65 Caption = 'Dbl-Click operation' TabOrder = 1 object RBToggleFullScreen: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 225 Height = 17 Caption = 'Toggle full screen' Checked = True TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True end object RBCloseMainView: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 40 Width = 225 Height = 17 Caption = 'Close main view' TabOrder = 1 end end object GBEnlarge: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 97 Caption = 'Enlarge' TabOrder = 2 object RB0to100: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = '+0 to 100 [%]' TabOrder = 0 end object RB0to300: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = '+0 to 300 [%]' TabOrder = 1 end object RB0toInfinity: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = '+0 to Infinity' TabOrder = 2 end end object GBMainQuality: TGroupBox Left = 304 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 97 Caption = 'Quality' TabOrder = 3 object RBOwedVideoCardMain: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 241 Height = 17 Caption = 'Owed my video card [favor speed]' TabOrder = 0 end object RBPriorQualityMainAlways: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 241 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior quality [always]' TabOrder = 1 end object RBPriorQualityMainFullscreen: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 241 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior quality [only fullscreen]' TabOrder = 2 end end object GBPowerSave: TGroupBox Left = 304 Top = 120 Width = 273 Height = 65 Caption = 'Power save loading' TabOrder = 4 object CBJPEGPowersaving: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 241 Height = 17 Caption = 'Load JPEG with power saving algorithm' TabOrder = 0 end end end end object TSFilm: TTabSheet Caption = 'Film mode' ImageIndex = 2 object GBThumbnailsQuality: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 273 Height = 105 Caption = 'Thumbnails quality' TabOrder = 0 object RBPriorSpeed: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior speed' TabOrder = 0 end object RBPriorQuality: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior quality' Checked = True TabOrder = 1 TabStop = True end object RBOwedVideocard: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = 'Owed my video card' TabOrder = 2 end end object GBPreviewQuality: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 136 Width = 273 Height = 105 Caption = 'Preview quality' TabOrder = 1 object RBPVPriorSpeed: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior speed' TabOrder = 0 end object RBPVPriorQuality: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prior quality' Checked = True TabOrder = 1 TabStop = True end object RBPVOwedVideocard: TRadioButton Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = 'Owed my video card' TabOrder = 2 end end end end object ColorDialog1: TColorDialog Left = 240 Top = 480 end end