object frmMain: TfrmMain Left = 483 Top = 168 AlphaBlendValue = 204 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Micropro E-radio Manager 1.19' ClientHeight = 509 ClientWidth = 271 Color = 12566463 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PopupMenu = PopupMenuTray Position = poScreenCenter ShowHint = True OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object FormArea: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 271 Height = 509 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object FWallpaper: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 271 Height = 487 Align = alClient end object Fav2: TImage Tag = 2 Left = 250 Top = 432 Width = 14 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object Fav3: TImage Tag = 3 Left = 250 Top = 416 Width = 14 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object StarInaIcon: TImage Left = 16 Top = 0 Width = 14 Height = 14 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Visible = False end object StarIcon: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 14 Height = 14 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Visible = False end object imgVolume: TImage Left = 142 Top = 13 Width = 22 Height = 22 Center = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Fav5: TImage Tag = 5 Left = 250 Top = 384 Width = 14 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object Fav4: TImage Tag = 4 Left = 250 Top = 400 Width = 14 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object Fav1: TImage Tag = 1 Left = 250 Top = 448 Width = 14 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object Fav0: TLabel Left = 254 Top = 464 Width = 7 Height = 13 Cursor = crHandPoint Caption = 'x' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True OnClick = SetFavorite end object btnStop: TImage Left = 110 Top = 344 Width = 24 Height = 24 Hint = 'Zastavit' AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = btnStopClick end object btnPlay: TImage Left = 78 Top = 344 Width = 24 Height = 24 Hint = 'P'#345'ehr'#225't' AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = lbStationsClick end object btnForward: TImage Left = 174 Top = 344 Width = 24 Height = 24 Hint = 'Dal'#353#237' stanice' AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = btnForwardClick end object btnBackward: TImage Left = 142 Top = 344 Width = 24 Height = 24 Hint = 'P'#345'edchoz'#237' stanice' AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = btnBackwardClick end object pbVolume: TJvGradientProgressBar Left = 166 Top = 20 Width = 97 Height = 8 BarColorFrom = 8569087 BarColorTo = 415743 Smooth = True ParentColor = True OnMouseDown = pbVolumeMouseDown end object lblLookup: TLabel Left = 4 Top = 36 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Hled'#225'n'#237':' Transparent = True end object StatusBar: TTBXStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 487 Width = 271 Panels = < item StretchPriority = 1 Tag = 0 Caption = 'Vyberte stanici ze seznamu ...' end> UseSystemFont = False end object Details: TPanel Left = 10 Top = 440 Width = 234 Height = 41 BevelInner = bvRaised BevelOuter = bvLowered Color = 14869218 TabOrder = 1 object lblTime: TLabel Left = 0 Top = 22 Width = 234 Height = 13 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object lblHomePage: TLabel Left = 0 Top = 6 Width = 234 Height = 13 Cursor = crHandPoint Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clNavy Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsUnderline] ParentFont = False Transparent = True OnClick = lblHomePageClick end end object FMediaPlayer: TWindowsMediaPlayer Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 1 Height = 1 TabOrder = 2 Visible = False ControlData = { 000300000800000000000500000000000000F03F030000000000050000000000 0000000008000200000000000300010000000B00FFFF0300000000000B00FFFF 08000200000000000300320000000B00000008000A000000660075006C006C00 00000B0000000B0000000B00FFFF0B00FFFF0B00000008000200000000000800 020000000000080002000000000008000200000000000B0000001A0000001A00 0000} end object lbStations: TListBox Left = 2 Top = 52 Width = 266 Height = 267 Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed BevelKind = bkFlat BorderStyle = bsNone Color = 8404992 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 28 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 3 OnClick = lbStationsClick OnDrawItem = lbStationsDrawItem end object cbQuality: TComboBox Left = 2 Top = 318 Width = 266 Height = 21 BevelKind = bkFlat Style = csDropDownList Color = 8404992 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 4 OnChange = cbQualityChange end object Banner: TEmbeddedWB Left = 10 Top = 376 Width = 234 Height = 60 TabOrder = 5 DownloadOptions = [DLCTL_DLIMAGES, DLCTL_VIDEOS, DLCTL_BGSOUNDS] UserInterfaceOptions = [NO3DBORDER, SCROLL_NO] PrintOptions.Margins.Left = 19.050000000000000000 PrintOptions.Margins.Right = 19.050000000000000000 PrintOptions.Margins.Top = 19.050000000000000000 PrintOptions.Margins.Bottom = 19.050000000000000000 PrintOptions.Header = '&w&bStr'#225'nka '#269'. &p z &P' PrintOptions.HTMLHeader.Strings = ( '') PrintOptions.Footer = '&u&b&d' PrintOptions.Orientation = poPortrait ReplaceCaption = False EnableDDE = False fpExceptions = True ControlData = { 4C000000871900005F0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000004C000000000000000000000001000000E0D057007335CF11AE690800 2B2E126208000000000000004C0000000114020000000000C000000000000046 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000} end object btnTV: TMpBitBtn Left = 53 Top = 11 Width = 50 Height = 20 onClick = btnTVClick ImageIndex = 0 Caption = 'TV' end object btnRadio: TMpBitBtn Left = 2 Top = 11 Width = 50 Height = 20 onClick = btnRadioClick Checked = True ImageIndex = 0 Default = True Caption = 'Radia' end object LCountries: TListBox Left = 256 Top = 0 Width = 16 Height = 16 ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( '[COUNTRIES]' '00=(Nespecifikov'#225'no)' 'AF=Afghanistan' 'AL=Albania' 'DZ=Algeria' 'AS=American Samoa' 'AD=Andorra' 'AO=Angola' 'AI=Anguilla' 'AQ=Antarctica' 'AG=Antigua and Barbuda' 'AR=Argentina' 'AM=Armenia' 'AW=Aruba' 'AU=Australia' 'AT=Austria' 'AZ=Azerbaijan' 'BS=Bahamas' 'BH=Bahrain' 'BD=Bangladesh' 'BB=Barbados' 'BY=Belarus' 'BE=Belgium' 'BZ=Belize' 'BJ=Benin' 'BM=Bermuda' 'BT=Bhutan' 'BO=Bolivia' 'BA=Bosnia and Herzegovina' 'BW=Botswana' 'BR=Brazil' 'IO=British Indian Ocean' 'BN=Brunei' 'BG=Bulgaria' 'BF=Burkina Faso' 'BI=Burundi' 'KH=Cambodia' 'CM=Cameroon' 'CA=Canada' 'CV=Cape Verde' 'KY=Cayman Islands' 'CF=Central African Republic' 'TD=Chad' 'CL=Chile' 'CN=China' 'CX=Christmas Island' 'CC=Cocos (Keeling) Islands' 'CO=Colombia' 'KM=Comoros' 'CD=Congo, Democratic Republic of the' 'CG=Congo, Republic of the' 'CK=Cook Islands' 'CR=Costa Rica' 'HR=Croatia' 'CY=Cyprus' 'CZ='#268'esk'#225' Republika' 'DK=Denmark' 'DJ=Djibouti' 'DM=Dominica' 'DO=Dominican Republic' 'TL=East Timor' 'EC=Ecuador' 'EG=Egypt' 'SV=El Salvador' 'GQ=Equatorial Guinea' 'ER=Eritrea' 'EE=Estonia' 'ET=Ethiopia' 'FK=Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' 'FO=Faroe Islands' 'FJ=Fiji' 'FI=Finland' 'FR=France' 'GF=French Guiana' 'PF=French Polynesia' 'GA=Gabon' 'GM=Gambia' 'GE=Georgia' 'DE=Germany' 'GH=Ghana' 'GI=Gibraltar' 'GR=Greece' 'GL=Greenland' 'GD=Grenada' 'GP=Guadeloupe' 'GU=Guam' 'GT=Guatemala' 'GN=Guinea' 'GW=Guinea-Bissau' 'GY=Guyana' 'HT=Haiti' 'HN=Honduras' 'HK=Hong Kong' 'HU=Hungary' 'IS=Iceland' 'IN=India' 'ID=Indonesia' 'IE=Ireland' 'IL=Israel' 'IT=Italy' 'CI=Ivory Coast (C'#244'te d'#39'Ivoire)' 'JM=Jamaica' 'JP=Japan' 'JO=Jordan' 'KZ=Kazakhstan' 'KE=Kenya' 'KI=Kiribati' 'KR=Korea, South' 'KW=Kuwait' 'KG=Kyrgyzstan' 'LA=Laos' 'LV=Latvia' 'LB=Lebanon' 'LS=Lesotho' 'LI=Liechtenstein' 'LT=Lithuania' 'LU=Luxembourg' 'MO=Macau' 'MK=Macedonia, Republic of' 'MG=Madagascar' 'MW=Malawi' 'MY=Malaysia' 'MV=Maldives' 'ML=Mali' 'MT=Malta' 'MH=Marshall Islands' 'MQ=Martinique' 'MR=Mauritania' 'MU=Mauritius' 'YT=Mayotte' 'MX=Mexico' 'FM=Micronesia' 'MD=Moldova' 'MC=Monaco' 'MN=Mongolia' 'MS=Montserrat' 'MA=Morocco' 'MZ=Mozambique' 'NA=Namibia' 'NR=Nauru' 'NP=Nepal' 'NL=Netherlands' 'AN=Netherlands Antilles' 'NC=New Caledonia' 'NZ=New Zealand' 'NI=Nicaragua' 'NE=Niger' 'NG=Nigeria' 'NU=Niue' 'NF=Norfolk Island' 'MP=Northern Mariana Islands' 'NO=Norway' 'OM=Oman' 'PK=Pakistan' 'PW=Palau' 'PS=Palestinian Territory' 'PA=Panama' 'PG=Papua New Guinea' 'PY=Paraguay' 'PE=Peru' 'PH=Philippines' 'PN=Pitcairn Island' 'PL=Poland' 'PT=Portugal' 'PR=Puerto Rico' 'QA=Qatar' 'RE=R'#233'union' 'RO=Romania' 'RU=Russia' 'RW=Rwanda' 'SH=Saint Helena' 'KN=Saint Kitts and Nevis' 'LC=Saint Lucia' 'PM=Saint Pierre and Miquelon' 'VC=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' 'WS=Samoa' 'SM=San Marino' 'ST=Sao Tome and Principe' 'SA=Saudi Arabia' 'SN=Senegal' 'CS=Serbia and Montenegro' 'SC=Seychelles' 'SL=Sierra Leone' 'SG=Singapore' 'SK=Slovensko' 'SI=Slovenia' 'SB=Solomon Islands' 'SO=Somalia' 'ZA=South Africa' 'GS=South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' 'ES=Spain' 'LK=Sri Lanka' 'SR=Suriname' 'SJ=Svalbard and Jan Mayen' 'SZ=Swaziland' 'SE=Sweden' 'CH=Switzerland' 'TW=Taiwan' 'TJ=Tajikistan' 'TZ=Tanzania' 'TH=Thailand' 'TG=Togo' 'TK=Tokelau' 'TO=Tonga' 'TT=Trinidad and Tobago' 'TN=Tunisia' 'TR=Turkey' 'TM=Turkmenistan' 'TC=Turks and Caicos Islands' 'TV=Tuvalu' 'UG=Uganda' 'UA=Ukraine' 'AE=United Arab Emirates' 'GB=United Kingdom' 'US=United States' 'UM=United States Minor Outlying Islands' 'UY=Uruguay' 'UZ=Uzbekistan' 'VU=Vanuatu' 'VA=Vatican City' 'VE=Venezuela' 'VN=Vietnam' 'VG=Virgin Islands, British' 'VI=Virgin Islands, U. S.' 'WF=Wallis and Futuna' 'EH=Western Sahara' 'YE=Yemen' 'ZM=Zambia' 'ZW=Zimbabwe') TabOrder = 8 Visible = False end object edtLookup: TEdit Left = 48 Top = 32 Width = 220 Height = 21 BevelKind = bkFlat BorderStyle = bsNone Color = 8404992 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 9 OnChange = edtLookupChange end end object TrayIcon: TCoolTrayIcon CycleInterval = 0 Icon.Data = {} IconVisible = True IconIndex = 0 PopupMenu = PopupMenuTray MinimizeToTray = True OnClick = TrayIconClick OnMinimizeToTray = TrayIconMinimizeToTray Left = 32 Top = 64 end object PopupMenuTray: TTBXPopupMenu Images = ImageList Top = 64 object Station: TTBXItem Enabled = False FontSettings.Bold = tsTrue Caption = 'Stanice: ' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object mnPlay: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 9 OnClick = lbStationsClick Caption = 'P'#345'ehr'#225't' Hint = '' end object mnStop: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 8 OnClick = btnStopClick Caption = 'Zastavit' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object mnBackward: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 2 OnClick = btnBackwardClick Caption = 'P'#345'edchoz'#237' stanice' Hint = '' end object mnForward: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 3 OnClick = btnForwardClick Caption = 'Dal'#353#237' stanice' Hint = '' end object N1: TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object tbFilters: TTBXSubmenuItem FontSettings.Bold = tsTrue ImageIndex = 13 Caption = 'Filtry' Hint = '' object tbFilterBy: TTBXItem Enabled = False FontSettings.Bold = tsTrue Caption = 'Filtrovat podle:' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object tbRegion: TTBXSubmenuItem Caption = 'Kraje' Hint = '' end object tbGenre: TTBXSubmenuItem Caption = #381#225'nru' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object tbSortBy: TTBXItem Enabled = False FontSettings.Bold = tsTrue Caption = #344'adit podle:' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object tbDefaultSort: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = RefreshStationsList Caption = 'V'#253'choz'#237'ho uspo'#345#225'd'#225'n'#237 Hint = '' end object tbFavoriteSort: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = RefreshStationsList Caption = 'Obl'#237'benosti (hv'#283'zdi'#269'ky)' Hint = '' end end object mnVolume: TTBXSubmenuItem ImageIndex = 0 Caption = 'Hlasitost' Hint = '' object Vol0: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 1 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = 'Bez zvuku' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object Vol10: TTBXItem Tag = 10 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '10%' Hint = '' end object Vol20: TTBXItem Tag = 20 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '20%' Hint = '' end object Vol30: TTBXItem Tag = 30 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '30%' Hint = '' end object Vol40: TTBXItem Tag = 40 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '40%' Hint = '' end object Vol50: TTBXItem Tag = 50 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '50%' Hint = '' end object Vol60: TTBXItem Tag = 60 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '60%' Hint = '' end object Vol70: TTBXItem Tag = 70 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '70%' Hint = '' end object Vol80: TTBXItem Tag = 80 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '80%' Hint = '' end object Vol90: TTBXItem Tag = 90 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '90%' Hint = '' end object Vol100: TTBXItem Tag = 100 OnClick = SetVolume Caption = '100%' Hint = '' end end object mnWindow: TTBXSubmenuItem ImageIndex = 5 Caption = 'Nastaven'#237' okna aplikace' Hint = '' object mnStayOnTop: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True OnClick = mnStayOnTopClick Caption = 'Zobrazovat v'#382'dy naho'#345'e' Hint = '' end object mnAlpha: TTBXSubmenuItem GroupIndex = 2 Caption = 'Pr'#367'hlednost' Hint = '' object mnNoAlpha: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = mnNoAlphaClick Caption = 'Nezpr'#367'hled'#328'ovat okno' Hint = '' end object mnAlphaDeactivated: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = mnAlphaDeactivatedClick Caption = 'Zpr'#367'hlednit p'#345'i deaktivaci' Hint = '' end object mnAlphaActivated: TTBXItem AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = mnAlphaActivatedClick Caption = 'St'#225'le pr'#367'hledn'#233 Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object Trans10: TTBXItem Tag = 10 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '10%' Hint = '' end object Trans20: TTBXItem Tag = 20 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '20%' Hint = '' end object Trans30: TTBXItem Tag = 30 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '30%' Hint = '' end object Trans40: TTBXItem Tag = 40 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '40%' Hint = '' end object Trans50: TTBXItem Tag = 50 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '50%' Hint = '' end object Trans60: TTBXItem Tag = 60 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '60%' Hint = '' end object Trans70: TTBXItem Tag = 70 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '70%' Hint = '' end object Trans80: TTBXItem Tag = 80 AutoCheck = True Checked = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '80%' Hint = '' end object Trans90: TTBXItem Tag = 90 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '90%' Hint = '' end object Trans100: TTBXItem Tag = 100 AutoCheck = True GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True OnClick = SetAlpha Caption = '100%' Hint = '' end end end object tbPreferences: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 7 OnClick = tbPreferencesClick Caption = 'Nastaven'#237' radiov'#253'ch stanic ...' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object tbGuestBook: TTBXItem FontSettings.Bold = tsTrue ImageIndex = 11 OnClick = tbGuestBookClick Caption = 'N'#225'v'#353't'#283'vn'#237' kniha' Hint = '' end object mnAbout: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 10 OnClick = mnAboutClick Caption = 'O Programu ...' Hint = '' end object TTBXSeparatorItem Caption = '' Hint = '' end object mnRestore: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 4 OnClick = TrayIconClick Caption = 'Obnovit' Hint = '' end object mnExit: TTBXItem ImageIndex = 6 OnClick = mnExitClick Caption = 'Konec' Hint = '' end end object Timer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 5 OnTimer = TimerTimer Left = 64 Top = 64 end object ApplicationEvents: TApplicationEvents OnActivate = ApplicationEventsActivate OnDeactivate = ApplicationEventsDeactivate OnException = ApplicationEventsException Left = 96 Top = 64 end object XML: TXMLDocument Left = 128 Top = 64 DOMVendorDesc = 'MSXML' end object TBXSwitcher: TTBXSwitcher Theme = 'OfficeXP' Left = 160 Top = 64 end object ImageList: TMpImageList Left = 192 Top = 64 end object SkinControl: TSkinControl Left = 224 Top = 64 end end