Sometimes my system seems slower after recovering RAM... why?
If you have your "Target" level of RAM to recover set too high, MemOptimizer may reclaim memory from the file cache, or flush system DLLs (such as the shell and OLE) out of memory. When you flip to an application that needs these, they must be paged back in. Try setting your Target level to a lower level. Note that for games that do not use much of the operating system, a higher Target level is better, since more memory will be available to the game. Remember that too much free RAM is as good as RAM in your desk drawer: nice to own but unused! A good compromise takes a while to discover, but that's why we give you the control to adjust it!
Can MemOptimizer make my system unstable?
No. If anything, because it increases the amount of memory available to applications, your system should become more stable. It installs no VxDs or drivers and does not modify your system files in any way.
Why does MemOptimizer not always recover up to the Target setting?
Because if you set the target too high, you've set an impossible goal! MemOptimizer will recover as much RAM as possible, and can usually get up to your target level (though the higher the level, the more work MemOptimizer must do, and hence the longer it will take). Note that on Windows NT, the kernel manages the memory in such a way that as soon as memory is recovered, it is used by waiting applications and the operating system, so the displayed value may never equal the target level. It's still doing its job, though, even if not apparent!
Can MemOptimizer really recover memory leaks?
While it cannot recover them from the address space (the application would fault if it did indeed try to use that memory at some point) it can recover the physical RAM leaked, making it available for use by the operating system and other applications.
What is the Memory Load Index?
This is a statistic provided by the system that serves as a general measurement of how much demand for RAM there currently is in your system, with 0 being very little and 100 being very much. If you find your system pegged to 100% shortly after startup, you should seriously consider adding more physical memory to your system (even MemOptimizer won't be enough by itself in this case).
Can MemOptimizer improve gaming performance?
Yes. Let's say you start a game, and part way in, it suddenly demands memory for graphics, etc. Without MemOptimizer, your system would visibly pause as other applications and parts of the operating system were page-faulted out to make room. If you "Defragment and Recover" before starting the game, MemOptimizer should make a noticeable improvement.
A new feature has been introduced with version 2.0, that allows to create a special shortcut that will recover memory before running a program or game.