Update History

CDSurf.Net 2006 BETA Report a bug / Contact us

 Version (5/15/2006) 12:28am

  • Updated fonts on search results. Will enhance CD selection form next! :)

Version (5/14/2006) 11:05pm

  • Added right-click menus to explorer view. Right click folders and search as well as right click files and copy or open.

Version (5/14/2006) 11:52am

  • Updated installation file to allow full install. Program no longer checks for updates automatically. No more pop-up on startup (making it look like a regular program) :( due to requests.

Version (5/13/2006) 9:20pm

  • Added single CD search feature in explorer view. When searching in explorer view, the file found will be automatically selected in the explorer view and will cycle if another search is carried out with the same search text.

Version (5/13/2006) 1:40am

  • Corrected problem with image previews not appearing on image search
  • Added progress bar to cd scan window

Version (5/10/2006) 8:43pm

  • Prompts the user before overwriting existing CD scans.

Version (5/10/2006) 8:43pm

  • Upgraded CD scan screen to give more feedback as far as CD scan progress.
  • Upgraded explorer view by optimizing treeview data. Also added upgrade feature to avoid re-scan for existing users/scans. Thanks to StaticP for his assistance on this area! ;)

    FYI: I'll start working on CD management section. I can't wait to get the basic features completed so I can add the mouth watering features! :D This is going to be very unique! Any feedback welcome! Just mail it to support@cdsurf.net thanks!

Version (5/7/2006) 11:37pm

  • It seems that some people don't trust me, which is understandable. Due to public demand, I've added a privacy notice and disclaimer. I've also started on the FAQ section which is now available.

    FYI: I'm currently working on improving the speed on the explorer view before moving onto other features.

Version (5/7/2006) 12:55am!

  • Updated search to include scanning folder names when searching. For example. Your looking for an MP3 file and the folder name happens to contain the album name. This would help out when searching. This update was suggested by the people at www.YesItsFree.co.uk, Thanks!

Version (5/6/2006)

  • Updated Explorer view, added a cancel button to cancel loading a CD to help avoid improper program termination via control box.

Version (5/6/2006)

  • Updated Explorer/Search file options GUI. Now looks a whole lot better! Barely had the energy to do the update thanks to my son and his liking of Chucky Cheese :)

Version (5/5/2006)

  • Corrected issue when no CDs are scanned and used attempted explorer view.

Version (5/5/2006)

  • Enabled Explorer View.

  • Now displays file icons.

  • Optimized Tree view speed with a little help from StaticP ;)

Version (5/5/2006)

  • Re-programmed explorer view to correctly pull folder information with multiple folders.

  • Corrected type,  "Labelled" now reads as "Labeled"

  • Enabled Explorer view with minimal features (no file icons yet).

stop the press. Decided to disable explorer view.. So its like 1:34am and I'm not brave enough to release explorer view with little testing, I'll try and release that tomorrow night! Sorry folks!


Version (5/3/2006)

  • Released UI update featuring XP quality/style graphics.

Version (4/28/2005)

  • Released CDSurf.Net Beta with some features disabled so that the install could be tested and so that basic feedback could be gained.