User Commands
Command Types:
- Separator
- Adds a separator to the menu
- Raw
- Sends raw command to the hub (experts only, end it with '|'!)
- Chat
- Sends command as if you were typing it in the chat
- PM
- Sends command as if you sent it by pm
Contexts determine where the command is shown.
- Hub Menu
- Hub tab (at the bottom of the screen) right-click menu
- Chat Menu
- User right-click menu in chat and PM tab menu
- Search Menu
- Search right-click menu
- File list Menu
- File list right-click menu
- Name
- Name (use '\' to create submenus)
- Command
- Command text (may contain any of the variables listed below). Use Ctrl + Enter to create a new line.
- Hub
- Hub ip as typed when connecting (empty = all hubs, "op" = hubs
where you're an operator)
- To
- Private Message recipient
- Send Once Per Nick
- Send only once per user from search frame, regardless of how many
files you've selected from that user
In the parameters, you can use %[xxx]
variables and date/time
specifiers (%Y, %m, ...). The following variables are also
- %[mynick]: your own nick
- %[nick]: the user's nick (user & search context only)
- %[tag]: user tag (user & search context only)
- %[description]: user description (user & search context only)
- %[email]: user email (user && search context only)
- %[share]: user shared bytes (exact) (user && search
context only)
- %[shareshort]: user shared bytes (formatted) (user &&
search context only)
- %[ip]: user ip (if supported by hub)
- %[file]: filename (search context and in transferview only)
- %[filesize]: file size (search context only)
- %[filesizeshort]: file size, short version including units
(search context only)
- %[tth]: tth for the file (search context only)
- %[line:reason]: opens up a window asking for "reason"
- %[mycid]: your ADC CID
- %[cid]: user's ADC CID