
This page contains the configuration options for where DC++ will place complete and incomplete downloads, options that control the maximum simultaneous downloads, and information on the public hub list that DC++ will use.


Default Download Directory
After a download is complete, DC++ tries to move your just finished file to this directory.  It defaults to the "Downloads\" subdirectory under where the DC++ executable is located.
Unfinished Downloads Directory
All incomplete downloads will be stored in this directory. If empty, temporary downloads will be stored in the "Incomplete\" subdirectory under where the DC++ executable is located.  You can use %[downloaddrive] for optional unfinished directory for target drive. If the file has been downloaded with a TTH, the incomplete file will bear the name <filename>.<ext>.<TTH>.dctmp. If the file has no TTH, it will be named<filename>.<ext>.dctmp. If Use AntiFragmentation Method for Downloads is enabled the files will have ".antifrag" added to the end of it's name. As in <filename>.<ext>.<TTH>.dctmp.antifrag.


For both values listed below, certain conditions can result in the limits not being obeyed. Specifically, up to 3 files that are set to the 'highest' priority can be transferred while other downloads are going.  File lists and small files (64 kibibytes or smaller) are queued with 'highest' as their priority.  When either of the limits are hit, DC++ shows "All download slots taken" next to each source in the Transfer View.

Maximum Simultaneous Downloads
This limits the number of simultaneous downloads.  The default value of this option is 3, and a value of 0 means no limit.
No New Downloads if Speed Exceeds
This is another method of limiting simultaneous downloads, designed to prevent new downloads if your existing downloads exceed a specific threshold. It's measured in kibibytes per second, and a value of zero will disable this limit.  Note: because of changing download speeds, this is not 100% accurate

Public Hub List

Public Hub List  URL
Public hubs window
HTTP Proxy
This HTTP proxy will only be used to request the Public Hub List specified above.  It's not used for uploads, downloads, or connecting to a hub.