FreeProxy License V3 and prior versions Plain English This license is not a watertight legal document. Please read it in the spirit in which it is intended. The spirit of the license This is extremely useful software. You are one of an expanding community of users who use this software for normal day to day operations in their computer environments. It’s even more attractive in the fact that its free. Value for money is therefore infinite. Anyone can use this software but do so, however, at their own risk. If you are unsure, don’t use it. You do not own the software but have the right to use it for any legal purpose with no further claim on the author. The rights of ownership are vested in the author only. Copying The software can be copied as many times as you wish and given to anyone you wish as long as the complete package is copied. Warrantees and Guarantees There are none. Use entirely at your own risk. Any and all problems, direct and indirect, resulting from the use of the software, are entirely the responsibility of the user and not the author. Selling This and prior versions of the product may not be sold. It is freely available to anyone who wants to use it. It may be distributed as a freeware product as long as any charge levied to the end-user, or customer, is for the medium and not the software. Source Code This software is distributed as binary executable code only. The source code is not available. php Please check the license conditions for php at