DGIndex 1.3.0 Command Line Options ---------------------------------- -Input-Files -IF ([file1,file2,file3,...]) -Auto-Input-Files -AIF ([file1]) Autoloads files incrementally. -Batch-Files -BF ([filelist]) Load batch of files. The filelist file contains the list of files to load, one file per line with no extra white space. -Audio_PID -AP (transport stream audio PID, hex notation, e.g., -AP=14) -Video_PID -VP (transport stream video PID, hex notation, e.g., -AP=11) -iDCT-Algorithm -IA (1=MMX 2=SSEMMX 3=SSE2MMX 4=Floating point 5=Reference) -Field-Operation -FO (0=None 1=Force Film 2=Raw Encoded Frames) -YUV->RGB -YR (1=PC Scale 2=TV Scale) -Track-Number -TN (1-8=Track 1 to 8) -Output-Method -OM (0=None 1=Demux 2=Demux all 3=Decode) -Dynamic-Range-Control -DRC (0=Off 1=Light 2=Normal 3=Heavy) -Dolby-Surround-Downmix -DSD (0=Off 1=On) -Downsample-Audio -DSA (0=None 1=Low 2=Mid 3=High 4=Ultrahigh) 48->44.1 kHz downsample. -Output-File -OF ([project file name]) No Extension! -Exit Exits when Project has been saved. Example: DGIndex -ia=2 -FO=2 -YR=2 -TN=2 -OM=1 -AIF=[D:\vobfiles\vts_02_1.vob] -DRC=1 -OF=[d:\MyProject] -exit The above will save a project file named d:\MyProject.d2v If an -IF, -AIF, or -BF file specification does not include a path (i.e., it does not include a \ character), the current directory is used. If a specified file cannot be found, it is ignored. Options not included are controlled by DGIndex defaults and the DGIndex INI file as usual. [Original command line support by 'dvd2svcd'. Modified for DGIndex by Donald A Graft.]