INSTALL.txt for Tux Paint Tux Paint - A simple drawing program for children. Copyright 2002 by Bill Kendrick June 27, 2002 - November 5, 2002 Requirements: ------------- Windows Users: -------------- The Windows version of Tux Paint comes pre-packaged with the necessary pre-compiled libraries (in ".DLL" form), so no extra downloading is needed. libSDL ------ Tux Paint requires the Simple DirectMedia Layer Library (libSDL), an Open Source multimedia programming library available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Along with libSDL, Tux Paint depends on a number of other SDL 'helper' libraries: SDL_Image (for graphics files), SDL_TTF (for True Type Font support) and, optionally, SDL_Mixer (for sound effects). Linux/Unix Users: ----------------- The SDL libraries are available as source-code, or as RPM or Debian packages for various distributions of Linux. They can be downloaded from: libSDL: SDL_Image: SDL_TTF: SDL_Mixer: [OPTIONAL] They are also typically available along with your Linux distribution (e.g. on an installation CD, or available via package maintainance software like Debian's "apt-get"). NOTE: When installing from packages, be sure to ALSO install the "-devel" versions of the packages. (For example, install both "SDL-1.2.4.rpm" AND "SDL-1.2.4-devel.rpm") Other Libraries: ---------------- Tux Paint also takes advantage of a number of other free, LGPL'd libraries. Under Linux, just like SDL, they should either already be installed, or are readily available for installation as part of your Linux distribution. libPNG ------ Tux Paint uses PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format for its data files. SDL_image will require libPNG be installed. FreeType2 --------- Tux Paint uses TTF (True Type Font) fonts for drawing text. SDL_ttf will require the FreeType2 library. gettext ------- Tux Paint uses your system's locale settings along with the "gettext" library to support various languages (e.g., Spanish). You'll need the gettext library installed. NetPBM Tools [OPTIONAL] ------------------------ Under Linux and Unix, the NetPBM tools are what are currently used for printing. (A PNG is generated by TuxPaint, and converted into a PostScript using the 'pngtopnm' and 'pnmtops' NetPBM command-line tools.) Compiling and Installation: --------------------------- Tux Paint is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) (see "COPYING.txt" for details), and therefore the 'source code' to the program is included. Windows Users: -------------- Compiling: ---------- Tux Paint comes pre-compiled for Windows, so no compilation is necessary. [Eventually, information on rebuilding for Windows will be placed here. In the meantime, you're on your own. Sorry!] Installer: ---------- Double-click the Tux Paint installer executable (.EXE file) and follow the instructions. First, you will be asked to agree to the license. (It is the GNU General Public License (GPL), which is also available as "COPYING.txt".) You will then be asked whether you want to install shortcuts to Tux Paint in your Windows Start Menu and on your Windows Desktop. (Both options are set by default.) Then you will be asked where you wish to install Tux Paint. The default should be suitable, as long as there is space available. Otherwise, pick a different location. At this point, you can click 'Install' to install Tux Paint! Changing the Settings Using the Shortcut: ----------------------------------------- To change program settings, right-click on the TuxPaint shortcut and select 'Properties' (at the bottom). Make sure the 'Shortcut' tab is selected in the window that appears, and examine the 'Target:' field. You should see something like this : "C:\Program Files\TuxPaint\TuxPaint.exe" You can now add command-line options which will be enabled when you double-click the icon. For example, to make the game run in fullscreen mode, with simple shapes (no rotation option) and in French, add the options (after 'TuxPaint.exe'), like so: "C:\Program Files\TuxPaint\TuxPaint.exe" -f -s --lang french (See "README.txt" for a full list of available command-line options.) If you make a mistake or it all disappears use Ctrl-Z to undo or just hit the [ESC] key and the box will close with no changes made (unless you pushed the "Apply" button!). When you have finished, click "OK." If Something Goes Wrong ----------------------- If, when you double-click on the shortcut to run the game, nothing happens, it is probably because some of these command-line options are wrong. Open an Explorer like before, and look for a file called 'stderr.txt' in the TuxPaint folder. It will contain a description of what was wrong. Usually it will just be due to incorrect character-case (capital 'Z' instead of lowercase 'z') or a missing (or extra) '-' (dash). Linux/Unix Users: ----------------- Compiling: ---------- Note: Currently, Tux Paint does not use autoconf/automake, so there is no "./configure" script to run. (Sorry!) Compiling should be straight-forward though, assuming everything Tux Paint needs is installed. To compile the program from source, simply run the following command from a shell prompt (e.g., "$"): $ make Disabling Sound at Compile-time: -------------------------------- Alternatively, if you don't have a sound card, or would prefer to build the program with no sound support (therefore, SDL_mixer not having to be installed), you can run "make" with "nosound" as the 'target', instead: $ make nosound If you get errors: ------------------ If you receive any errors during compile-time, make sure you have the appropriate libraries installed (see above). If using packaged versions of the libraries (e.g., RPMs under RedHat or DEBs under Debian), be sure to get the corresponding "-dev" or "-devel" packages as well, otherwise you won't be able to compile Tux Paint (and other programs) from source! Installing: ----------- Assuming no fatal errors occured, you can now install the program so that it can be run by users on the system. By default, this must be done by the "root" user ('superuser'). Switch to "root" by typing the command: $ su Enter "root"'s password at the prompt. You should now be "root" (with a prompt like "#"). To install the program and its data files, type: # make install Finally, you can switch back to your regular user by exiting superuser mode: # exit NOTE: By default, "tuxpaint", the executable program, is placed in "/usr/local/bin/". The data files (images, sounds, etc.) are placed in "/usr/local/share/tuxpaint/". Changing Where Things Go ------------------------ You can change where things will go by using the 'prefix' variables in Makefile. "PREFIX" is the basis of where all other files go, and is, by default, set to "/usr/local". Other variables are: BIN_PREFIX Where the "tuxpaint" binary will be installed. (Set to "$(PREFIX)/bin" by default - e.g., "/usr/local/bin") DATA_PREFIX Where the data files (sound, graphics, brushes, stamps, fonts) will go, and where Tux Paint will look for them when it's run. (Set to "$(PREFIX)/share/tuxpaint") DOC_PREFIX Where the documentation text files (the "docs" directory) will go. (Set to "$(PREFIX)/share/doc/tuxpaint") MAN_PREFIX Where the manual page for Tux Paint will go. (Set to "$(PREFIX)/share/man") ICON_PREFIX $(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps X11_ICON_PREFIX $(PREFIX)/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps GNOME_PREFIX $(PREFIX)/share/gnome/apps/Graphics KDE_PREFIX $(PREFIX)/share/applnk/Graphics Where the icons and launchers (for GNOME and KDE) will go. LOCALE_PREFIX Where the translation files for Tux Paint will go, and where Tux Paint will look for them. (Set to "$(PREFIX)/share/locale/") (Final location of a translation file will be under the locale's directory (e.g., "es" for Spanish), within the "LC_MESSAGES" subdirectory.) Uninstalling Tux Paint: ----------------------- Windows ------- Using the Uninstaller --------------------- If you installed the Start Menu shortcuts (the default), then go to the TuxPaint folder and select "Uninstall". A box will be displayed that will confirm that you are about to uninstall Tux Paint and, if you are certain that you want to permanently remove Tux Paint, click on the 'Uninstall' button. When it has finished, click on the close button. It is also possible to use the entry "TuxPaint (remove only)" in the Control Panel Add/Remove programs section. NOTE: because the pictures that are created are saved inside the Tux Paint folder, this folder and the 'userdata' folder inside it are NOT removed. Linux ----- Within the Tux Paint source directory (where you compiled Tux Paint), you can use a 'Makefile' target to uninstall Tux Paint. By default, this must be done by the "root" user ('superuser'). (See the installation instructions above for further information.) Switch to "root" by typing the command: $ su Enter "root"'s password at the prompt. You should now be "root" (with a prompt like "#"). To uninstall the program and its data files (the default rubber-stamp images, if any, will also be removed), type: # make uninstall Finally, you can switch back to your regular user by exiting superuser mode: # exit