Keyboard Shortcuts in Amaya

It is useful to invoke menu commands directly from the keyboard. The Thot toolkit enables you accomplish this using an application keyboard shortcuts file. This file defines a list of associations between an invoked command and a keyboard sequence.

The syntax used to define an association is:

Directive = KeySeq ':' IdentCommand ;
áKeysSeq = KeySet [ ',' KeySet ] ;
áKeySet = [ Modifier ] [ 'Shift' ] Key ;
áKey = '<Key>' KeyValue / '<Key>' SpecialKey ;
áModifier = 'Ctrl' / 'Alt' / 'Meta' ;
áKeyValue = 'a' / 'b' / ... ;
áSpecialKey = 'Escape' / 'Delete' / 'Space' / 'BackSpace' /
ááááááááááááá 'Enter' / 'Up' / 'Down' / 'Left' / 'Right' /
ááááááááááááá 'Home' / 'End' / 'F1' / ... / 'L1' / ... / 'R1' / ... ;
áIdentCommand = 'TtcInsertChar(' Char ')' / NAME '()' ;
áChar = KeyValue / OctalValue / Entity ;

OctalValue = '\' NUMBER ;
Entity = DecEntity / HexaEntity ;
DecEntity = '&' '#' NUMBER ';' ;
HexaEntity = '&' '#' 'x' HEXADECIMAL ';' ;

To view an example, see the standard files amaya.keyboard (for Unix platforms) and amaya.kb (for Windows platforms), which are located in the Amaya/config directory.

The list of available commands is (a more up to date list can be found in Amaya's sources : Amaya/amaya/EDITOR.A) :