############################################################################# # Section Names # # Vidomi loads skin data by locating the section name in this file # All commands from one section name to the next section name are executed # # [SECTION NAME] # # < The commands to execute> # # [SOME OTHER SECTION NAME OR THE END OF THE FILE] # ############ # Command List # # Commands are in the format of : # # command(parameter,parameter,parameter,...) # # # Current Commands supported : # # scrollrate(Rate in Milliseconds between updates (lower is faster)) # transparentColor(Alpha,Red,Green,Blue) # loadBaseSkin("Filename.bmp") # loadResizeBaseSkin("filename.bmp",[UL x], [UL y], [UL width], [UL height], [Top x], [Top y], [Top width], [Top height],[UR x], [UR y], [UR width], [UR height],[L x], [L y], [L width], [L height], [R x], [R y], [R width], [R height],[LL x], [LL y], [LL width], [LL height],[Bot x], [Bot y], [Bot width], [Bot height],[LR x], [LR y], [LR width], [LR height]) # createbutton("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name",transparency flag, X Pos on Skin, Y Pos on Skin, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, Number of highlight Images) # createTwoStateButton("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name",transparency flag, X Pos on Skin, Y Pos on Skin, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, Number of highlight Images) # createHSlider("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name", transparency flag, X Start of Slider, Y Start of Slider, slider width in pixels, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, Number of highlight Images) # createVSlider("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name", transparency flag, X Start of Slider, Y Start of Slider, slider height in pixels, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, Number of highlight Images) # createGraphicTextbox("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name", transparency flag, X Start of textbox, Y Start of textbox, width of text box, Source X, Source Y, Width (ignored if proportional), Height, proportional flag, scrolling flag, scroll number pixels per frame) # createFontTextbox("font name","Gizmo Name", X Start of textbox, Y Start of textbox, Width of text box, Height of text box, point size, bold level(0-3), ital flag, underline flag, font red, font green, font blue, aa red, aa green, aa blue, scrolling flag, scroll number pixels per frame) # createHighlightAnimation("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name",transparency flag, X Pos on Skin, Y Pos on Skin, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, animation index #, animation index #, ... ) # createAnimation("filename.bmp","Gizmo Name",transparency flag, X Pos on Skin, Y Pos on Skin, Source X, Source Y, Width, Height, animation loop delay, animation index #, animation index #, ... ) # createComboBox("font name","Gizmo Name", X Start of combobox, Y Start of combobox, Width of combo box, Height of combo box, point size, font red, font green, font blue, aa red, aa green, aa blue) # # NOTE: The "gizmo name" determines the function performed. If no match is found, the button/slider/whatever is assumed to be visual only. # # # # # ############################################################################# [playerfront] # Set the scroll rate and the Transparent color used on the bitmaps scrollRate(50) transparentColor(0, 255, 0, 255) # Load the base skin for this screen loadBaseSkin("playerSkin.bmp") # Create all the buttons. createButton("playerbuttons.bmp","previousFile", 0, 11, 130, 0, 105, 26, 28, 1 ) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "rewind", 0, 40, 130, 0,133, 26, 28, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "stop", 0, 106, 130, 0,70, 32, 35, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp","fastForward", 0, 142, 130, 0,161, 25, 28, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "nextFile", 0, 171, 130, 0,189, 25, 28, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "fastForwardOne", 0, 200, 130, 0,217, 26, 28, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "browse", 0, 278, 69, 0,269, 34, 29, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "playlist", 0, 327, 76, 0,298, 22, 19, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "minimize", 0, 288, 3, 0,340, 29, 21, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "close", 0, 320, 3, 0,361, 29, 21, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "mode", 0, 113, 13, 0,317, 22, 23, 1) createButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "fullScreen", 0, 323, 122, 0,245, 23, 24, 1) # Create the two State button (The play/pause button) createTwoStateButton("playerbuttons.bmp", "playAndPause", 0, 70, 130, 0,0, 32, 35, 1) # Create all the sliders. createHSlider("playerbuttons.bmp", "seekSlider", 1, 11, 112, 202, 0, 382, 13, 12, 1) createHSlider("playerbuttons.bmp", "volumeSlider", 1, 234, 154, 49, 0, 394, 11, 11, 1) # Create alltext Boxes createGraphicTextBox("playercountertext.bmp", "counterCombinedText", 0, 98, 58, 179, 0, 0, 9, 11, 1, 0, 0) #createFontTextBox("Veranda", "filenameAndPathText", 31, 75, 229, 17, 17, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 208, 208, 208 , 1, 2) createFontTextBox("Veranda", "filenameAndPathText", 31, 75, 229, 17, 17, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0 , 1, 2) # Create The highlight animation for the Vidomi logo createHighlightAnimation("playeranimation.bmp", "vidomiAnimation",0, 21, 9, 0, 0, 84, 25,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) #createAnimation("playeranimation.bmp", "vidomiAnimation",0, 21, 9, 0, 0, 84, 25,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) [playerplaylist] transparentColor(0, 255, 0, 255) loadResizeBaseSkin("playlistSkin.bmp",0,0,88,33, 90,0,6,33, 98,0,173,33, 0,35,7,7, 264,35,7,7, 0,44,240,35, 242,44,7,35, 256,44,15,35) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","resize",0, 257, 65, 0, 151, 10, 10, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","close",0, 241, 0, 0, 32, 21, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","minimize",0, 191, 0, 0, 0, 21, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","maximize",0, 216, 0, 0, 16, 21, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","Playlistnew",0, 13, 50, 0, 48, 25, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","Playlistload",0, 44, 50, 0, 64, 25, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","Playlistsave",0, 76, 50, 0, 80, 25, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","Playlistadd",0, 108, 50, 0, 96, 25, 16, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","PlaylistSelectAll",0, 147, 53, 0, 112, 24, 13, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","PlaylistSelectNone",0, 179, 53, 0, 125, 24, 13, 1) createbutton("playlistButtons.bmp","PlaylistDeleteSelected",0, 211, 53, 0, 138, 24, 13, 1) [playeroutputwindow] transparentColor(0, 255, 0, 255) loadResizeBaseSkin("outputSkin.bmp", 0,0,88,33, 90,0,7,33, 99,0,173,33, 0,35,7,7, 265,35,7,7, 0,44,7,20, 9,44,7,20, 258,44,14,20) createbutton("outputButtons.bmp","resize",0, 258, 50, 0, 16, 10, 10, 1) createbutton("outputButtons.bmp","close",0, 242, 0, 0, 0, 21, 16, 1) [encoderfront] # Set the scroll rate and the Transparent color used on the bitmaps transparentColor(0, 255, 0, 255) # Load the base skin for this screen loadBaseSkin("encoderSkin.bmp") createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "minimize", 0, 288, 3, 0,23, 29, 21, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "close", 0, 320, 3, 0,44, 29, 21, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "mode", 0, 113, 13, 0,0, 22, 23, 1) # Create The highlight animation for the Vidomi logo createHighlightAnimation("playeranimation.bmp", "vidomiAnimation",0, 21, 9, 0, 0, 84, 25,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "menufile", 0, 101, 46, 0,65, 81, 19, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "menujobcontrol", 0, 186, 46, 0,84, 81, 19, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "menuoptions", 0, 271, 46, 0,103, 81, 19, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "addinputfiles", 0, 312, 88, 0,122, 34, 29, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "clearinputlist", 0, 319, 127, 0,151, 22, 21, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "browseoutput", 0, 315, 167, 0,172, 29, 25, 1) # Create the two State button (The start/stop conversion button) createTwoStateButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "startstopencoding", 0, 81, 213, 0,197, 101, 40, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "viewstats", 0, 194, 207, 191,0, 52, 35, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "viewcontrol", 0, 254, 207, 191,35, 52, 35, 1) createButton("encoderbuttons.bmp", "viewoutput", 0, 314, 207, 191,70, 52, 35, 1) createWindowsEditBox("veranda", "outputnametext", 30, 172, 266, 17, 17, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 238, 238, 238) createComboBox("veranda", "inputnametext", 32, 96, 247, 45, 14, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0) createVSlider("encoderbuttons.bmp", "inputnameslider", 0, 283, 97, 28, 191, 105, 13, 18, 1) [playerfullscreenmenu] transparentColor(0, 255, 0, 255) # Load the base skin for this screen loadBaseSkin("playerosdskin.bmp") createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp","previousFile", 0, 11, 36, 0, 0, 23, 25, 1 ) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "rewind", 0, 37, 36, 0,25, 23, 25, 1) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "stop", 0, 96, 36, 0,112, 28, 31, 1) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp","fastForward", 0, 128, 36, 0,143, 23, 25, 1) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "nextFile", 0, 154, 36, 0, 168, 23, 25, 1) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "fastForwardOne", 0, 181, 36, 0,193, 23, 25, 1) createTwoStateButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "playAndPause", 0, 64,36, 0,50, 28, 31, 1) createButton("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "fullScreen", 0, 268, 38, 0,218, 23, 24, 1) createGraphicTextBox("playercountertext.bmp", "counterCombinedText", 0, 130, 8, 169, 0, 0, 9, 11, 1, 0, 0) createHSlider("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "volumeSlider", 1, 206, 53, 32, 0, 253, 11, 11, 1) createHSlider("playerosdbuttons.bmp", "seekSlider", 1, 93, 21, 139, 0, 242, 11, 11, 1)