User Defined Function Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt.  Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.


User Defined Function Description
_ArrayAdd Adds a specified value at the end of an array, returning the adjusted array.
_ArrayBinarySearch Uses the binary search algorithm to search through a 1-dimensional array.
_ArrayCreate Create a small array and quickly assign values.
_ArrayDelete Deletes the specified element from the given array, returning the adjusted array.
_ArrayDisplay Displays a 1-dimensional array in a message box.
_ArrayInsert Inserts the a new string at the specified element into an array, returning the adjusted array.
_ArrayMax Returns the highest value held in an array.
_ArrayMaxIndex Returns the index where the highest value occurs in the array.
_ArrayMin Returns the lowest value held in an array.
_ArrayMinIndex Returns the index where the lowest value occurs in the array.
_ArrayPop Returns the last element of an array, deleting that element from the array at the same time.
_ArrayReverse Takes the given array and reverses the order in which the elements appear in the array.
_ArraySort Sort a mutiple dimensional Array.
_ArraySwap Swaps two elements of an array.
_ArrayToClip Sends the contents of an array to the clipboard.
_ArrayToString Places the elements of an array into a single string, separated by the specified delimiter.
_ArrayTrim Trims all elements in an array a certain number of characters.
_Ceil Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified value.
_ColorGetBlue Returns the blue component of a given color.
_ColorGetGreen Returns the green component of a given color.
_ColorGetRed Returns the red component of a given color.
_DateAdd Calculates a new date based on a given date and add an interval.
_DateDayOfWeek Returns the name of the weekday, based on the specified day.
_DateDaysInMonth Returns the number of days in a month, based on the specified month and year.
_DateDiff Returns the difference between 2 dates, expressed in the type requested.
_DateIsLeapYear Checks a given year to see if it is a leap year.
_DateIsValid Checks the given date to determine if it is a valid date.
_DateTimeFormat Returns the date in the PC's regional settings format.
_DateToDayValue Split a string containing Date and Time into two separate Arrays.
_DateToDayOfWeek Returns the weekdaynumber for a given date.
_DateToDayValue Returns the daynumber since since noon 4713 BC January 1 for a given Gregorian date.
_DayValueToDate Add the given days since noon 4713 BC January 1 and returns the Gregorian date.
_FileCountLines Returns the number of lines in the specified file.
_FileCreate Creates or zero's out the length of the file specified.
_FileReadToArray Reads the specified file into an array.
_FileWriteLog Writes current date,time and the specified text to a log file.
_Floor Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the specified value.
_GetIP Get public IP address of a network/computer.
_HexToString Convert a hex string to a string.
_Iif Perform a boolean test within an expression.
_INetExplorerCapable Converts a string to IE(Internet Explorer) capable line
_INetMail Opens default user's mail client with given address, subject, and body.
_MathCheckDiv Checks if NumA is divisable by NumB
_Max Evaluates which of the two numbers is higher.
_Min Evaluates which of the two numbers is lower.
_Now Returns the current Date and Time in PC's format.
_NowCalc Returns the current Date and Time in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS for use in date calculations.
_NowCalcDate Returns the current Date in format YYYY/MM/DD.
_NowDate Returns the current Date in the Pc's format.
_NowTime Returns the current Time in format HH:MM:SS.
_RunDos Executes a DOS command in a hidden command window.
_StringEncrypt An RC4 based string encryption function.
_StringProper Changes a string to proper case, same a =Proper function in Excel
_StringRepeat Repeats a string a specified number of times.
_StringReverse Reverses the contents of the specified string.
_StringToHex Convert a string to a hex string.
_TempFile Generate a name for a temporary file. The file is guaranteed not to already exist in the user's %TEMP% directory.
_TicksToTime Converts the specified tick amount to hours, minutes, and seconds.
_TimeToTicks Converts the specified hours, minutes, and seconds to ticks.
_viOpen Closes a VISA connection to an Instrument/Device
_viExecCommand Send a Command/Query to an Instrument/Device through the VISA interface (GPIB / TCP)
_viFindGpib Send a Command/Query to an Instrument/Device through the VISA interface (GPIB / TCP)
_viGpibBusReset GPIB BUS "reset":
_viGTL Go To Local mode:
_viOpen Opens a VISA connection to an Instrument/Device
_viSetAttribute Set any VISA attribute
_viSetTimeout Sets the VISA timeout in MILISECONDS