Here is the public history for AutoIt v3. For the full technical log
including beta versions click here.
7th Feb, 2005 - v3.1.0
- Removed: URLDownloadToFile() (Replaced by InetGet())
- Changed: For loops automatically declare the counter variable as a Local variable
- Changed: IniDelete() can also delete entire sections
- Changed: StringReplace() also returns the number of replacements in the @extended macro
- Changed: StringMid() the "count" parameter is now optional (assumes remainder of the string)
- Changed: PixelChecksum() now has optional step parameter
- Changed: Control...() functions now accept the Control ID as an extra way to identify a control
- Changed: InetGet() function can download in the background
- Changed: Reg...() functions no longer give a hard error when an unknown key is used.
- Changed: The mouse and pixel functions now have an additional "client area" mode
- Changed: Added WIN_2003 to the possible values for @OS_VERSION
- Changed: AU3Spy.exe renamed to AU3Info.exe
- Changed: Major upgrades to the AutoIt Window Info Tool (control highlighting, magnify, cursor IDs)
- Changed: FileSelectFolder() supports an initial directory as well as a root directory
- Changed: File functions no longer give fatal errors when -1 is used as a handle
- Fixed: Memory leak in SplashImageOn()
- Fixed: Expressions like "$var = $var" will now give an error if the variable wasn't previously defined
- Fixed: StringFormat() with \\ characters
- Fixed: Under rare situations after closing a script AutoIt3.exe would still appear in task manager for a while
- Fixed: Certain paths like @WindowsDir were incorrect under Windows Terminal Server
- Fixed: FileSetTime() systems in non-GMT timezones had incorrect results
- Fixed: FileMove() with UNC paths (does a real move when in the same dir rather than a copy).
- Fixed: ^ operator
- Fixed: Chr()
- Fixed: StatusBarGetText() failed when used with no "Text" parameter
- Fixed: InputBox() didn't return focus to the previously active window
4th Aug, 2004 - v3.0.102
Major Change: Colors now default to the standard RGB format rather than the previous BGR format. This affects PixelSearch() and PixelGetColor().
The "ColorMode" option has been added to allow old scripts to run with the old BGR mode, just
place this line at the top of your script to use the old method, e.g.:
Opt("ColorMode", 1)
If you use color functions in your code you MUST take notice of the above change and either change the colors in your code OR add the Opt ColorMode option as shown above. This especially affects BOTs and code that interacts with games.
- Changed: TimerStart() renamed to TimerInit(). TimerStop() renamed to TimerDiff()
- Changed: FileSelectFolder() flag parameter changed
- Changed: REG_MULTI_SZ values in Reg...() functions allow double NULL values
- Changed: BirOr(), BitAnd() and BitXOR() take up to 255 parameters
- Changed: Icon and windowstate options added to FileCreateShortcut()
- Changed: RunAsSet() supports extra profile handling options
- Changed: RegWrite() now accepts just the keyname in order to create a keyname with no value
- Changed: "Allow Decompilation" option added to Aut2Exe
- Changed: Aut2Exe gives feedback during compilation and gives the option to abort
- Changed: Compiled scripts run/extract much faster when using FileInstall and medium/large files
- Changed: Max number of user function limits removed
- Changed: Max number of variable limits removed
- Changed: -1 does no sleep at all for Send/Mouse delays (SendKeyDelay, etc...)
- Changed: Optional occurance parameter added to StringInStr()
- Changed: Optional default filename added to FileOpenDialog() and FileSaveDialog()
- Changed: Registry functions accept 4 letters keys (HKLM instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, etc.)
- Changed: Remote registry keys are accepted in the form "\\computername\key\subkey"
- Changed: AutoItSetOption returns the previous setting
- Fixed: FileGetSize() works on >2GB files and in-use files
- Fixed: The expression: If "non-blank" And 1 - now evaluates as true
- Fixed: ToolTip() when the mouse is near the bottom of the screen
- Fixed: StringIsDigit()
- Fixed: Process...() functions under NT4 unable to see certain processes
- Fixed: Some keywords incorrectly allowed after a THEN keyword
11th Mar, 2004 - v3.0.101
- Added: MemGetStats()
- Fixed: Windows 95a compatibility
- Fixed: Minor help file typos
29th Feb, 2004 - v3.0.100