Polls the GUI to see if any events have ocurred.
GUIGetMsg ( [advanced] )
advanced | [optional] return extended information in an array. 0 = (default) Returns a single event. 1 = returns an array containing the event and extended information. |
Return Value
Returns an event, or an array depending on the "advanced" parameter.0 | No event |
Control ID | the ID of the control sending the message |
$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE | dialog box being closed (either by defined button or system menu). |
$GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE | dialog box minimized with Windows title bar button. |
$GUI_EVENT_RESTORE | dialog box restored by click on task bar icon. |
$GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE | dialog box maximized with Windows title bar button. |
$GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE | the mouse cursor has moved |
$GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN | the primary mouse button was pressed |
$GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP | the primary mouse button was released |
$GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN | the secondary mouse button was pressed |
$GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP | the secondary mouse button was released |
This function automatically idles the CPU when required so that it can be safely used in tight loops without hogging all the CPU.
GUICreate, GUICtrlCreate..., GUICtrlRead, GUIOnEventMode (Option)
; Example - Press the button to see the value of the radio boxes
; The script also detects state changes (closed/minimized/timeouts, etc).
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)
GUICreate("Radio Box Demo", 400,280)
; Create the controls
$button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("B&utton 1", 30, 20, 120, 40)
$group_1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Group 1", 30, 90, 165, 160)
$radio_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &0", 50, 120, 70, 20)
$radio_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &1", 50, 150, 60, 20)
$radio_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &2", 50, 180, 60, 20)
; Init our vars that we will use to keep track of GUI events
$radioval1 = 0 ; We will assume 0 = first radio button selected, 2 = last button
$radioval2 = 2
; Show the GUI
GUISetState ()
; In this message loop we use variables to keep track of changes to the radios, another
; way would be to use GUICtrlRead() at the end to read in the state of each control
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
MsgBox(0, "", "Dialog was closed")
MsgBox(0,"", "Dialog minimized",2)
MsgBox(0,"", "Dialog restored",2)
Case $msg = $button_1
MsgBox(0, "Default button clicked", "Radio " & $radioval1 )
Case $msg >= $radio_1 AND $msg <= $radio_3
$radioval1 = $msg - $radio_1