TPlayer (c)2002-2003 flic enr TPlayer is freeware and is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author will be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. TPlayer may be freely distributed as long as the binary file (TPlayer.exe) and this file (ReadMe.txt) are NOT modified in any way whatsoever. You are welcome to publish a link to TPlayer's web site on your page. The registered address is TPlayer contains only clean code and does NOT contain any viruses, trojan horses nor spywares that would compromise your privacy. TPlayer is written with Borland/Inprise Delphi and uses freeware components by the following great programmers: -DSMixer Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 Carlos Barbosa email: Home Page: -TreeNT written by Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke ( Thank you for using TPlayer As always, keep on mixing! flic TPlayer (c)2002-2003 flic enr Programming, Concept & Design Copyright(c) François Lavoie aka flic Logo Art Design Copyright(c) Louis Dubey Versions history: V1R10: 2003-01-25 Open Folder option Faster Songlist loading Bigger, more accurate Vu meters Bugs fix V1R9: 2002-08-04, R8: 2002-07-03, R7: 2002-06-12 R6: 2002-05-10, R5: 2002-04-10, R4: 2002-04-04 R3: 2002-04-02, R2: 2002-03-30, R1: 2002-03-25