What is Aggreg8?
Aggreg8 is a Mozilla based application which I am currently developmening as part of my final year project. Aggreg8 is an RSS feed aggregator.
What is RSS?
RDF Site Summary (RSS) is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. Think of it as a distributable "What's New" for your site. Originally developed by Netscape to fill channels for Netcenter, RSS has evolved into a popular means of sharing content between sites (including the BBC, CNET, Slashdot, Scripting News, Wired, Salon and many many many more). RSS solves a myriad of problems webmasters commonly face, such as increasing traffic, and gathering and distributing news.
Why would I want to use Aggreg8?
With the current boom in weblogs (What's a weblog?) appearing on the web it is nearly impossible to keep track of the weblogs that you like reading. Most weblogs have an RSS feed that contains either their complete weblog or a description of it. Aggreg8 allows the user to store and organise these favourite RSS feeds (commonly known as their blog roll). Feeds can be grouped in user defined categories and then be viewed individually using the built in RSS parser, this parser parses the RSS feed from XML format to readable HTML format. There are many other RSS viewers/aggregators out there but few of them are as lightweight as Aggreg8 (~50kb). Aggreg8 is built on the XPFE framework which means that it, is OS independent ,and works on all browsers built on this framework (Mozilla, Firebird). Aggreg8 can be run independently of the browsers or inside the browser as if it were a webpage being viewed. Plus it's Open Source and everybody loves an Open Source solution.
Where did the idea for Aggreg8 come from?
Aggreg8 began as my Final year project and the idea came from a former work colleague of mine who was a user of Radio Userland and suggested the idea for a news aggregator based on the Mozilla XPFE.
Where can I find out more?
Aggreg8's home page is Aggreg8.net. This is maintained by myself and has a news section[RSS Feed] where all up to date information will be posted.
Who is there to thank?