Suppress Script Errors
This option will disable the script error message dialogs. It will also disable script debugging. This option is recommended for most people who are not interested in script debugging.
View Source In Script Pad
View source code of web pages in built-in script pad instead of notepad
Use BlazeFtp to open Ftp Folder
automatically use FlashPeak BlazeFtp to open ftp folder
Start Search At Selecting an Engine from Quick-Search Bar
Start searching automatically when you choose a search engine from the quick-search bar and if the keyword box is not empty.
Save Crash Restoration Information Automatically
Save crash restoration information periodically while SlimBrowser is running.
Minimize to system tray
With this option on, SlimBrowser will hide into the system tray when you click the minimize button.
Close to system tray
With this option on, SlimBrowser will hide into the system tray when you click the close button (x). To quit the browser, select menu File->Exit.
Disable Microsoft Java Virtual Machine
Check on this option to disable Microsoft Java Virtual Machine so that Sun Java Virtual Machine be enabled in SlimBrowser. By default, if both MS Java VM and Sun Java VM, SlimBrowser will only use MS Java VM. You have to disable Microsoft Java VM to be able to use Sun Java VM. You will need this option if you want to view web pages which use Sun Java 2 technology.