PopupCaptor Exceptions

This article explains how to use exceptions in your PopupCaptor list to allow certain popups.

First, a bit of PopupCaptor background. There are two parts to PopupCaptor - blocking unrequested popups, and blocking popups based on their URL. You can use either of these two features. Unrequested popups are blocked much earlier in the popup process than url-matched popups, before NetCaptor ever has access to the popup URL. Url-matched popups are matched much later in the process... we actually allow the popup to be created hidden, check the its URL against our PopupCaptor list, and then decide whether to block it.

In version 7.1.0, NetCaptor introduced the concept of exceptions to the PopupCaptor list. An exception is a normal PopupCaptor URL that starts with a $.

When the exception list is used to block unrequested popups, the parent url of the popup is checked against the exceptions in the list. If a match is found, the popup is allowed. The actual URL of the popup is NOT tested against the list.

When the exception list is used to block popups by URL, the actual popup URL is tested agains the list. Parent URLs are not tested.