Property Explanation used with -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR_ADDRTYPE Addressee's electronic mail PAB, Schedule+, address type Outlook PR_BEEPER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's beeper PAB, Schedule+, telephone number Outlook PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER Addressee's business fax Schedule+, number Outlook PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's car telephone Outlook number PR_CELLULAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's cellular PAB, Schedule+, telephone number Outlook PR_COMMENT Text included on the Notes PAB, Schedule+ tab for the address entry PR_COMPANY_NAME Name of the addressee's PAB, Schedule+, company Outlook PR_COUNTRY Addressee's country PAB, Schedule+, Outlook PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME Name of addressee's PAB, Schedule+, department within the Outlook company PR_DISPLAY_NAME The name displayed in the PAB, Schedule+, Address Book dialog box Outlook PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS Addressee's electronic mail PAB , Schedule+, Address Outlook PR_GIVEN_NAME Addressee's given name, or PAB, Schedule+, first name Outlook PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER Addressee's home fax number Outlook PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's home telephone PAB, Schedule+, number Outlook PR_INITIALS Addressee's initials Not Available PR_LOCALITY Addressee's city or PAB, Schedule+, locality Outlook PR_LOCATION Addressee's location Schedule+ Example: "16/3000" ,room 3000 in building 16 PR_OFFICE_LOCATION Addressee's office location PAB, Schedule+, Outlook PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's office PAB, Schedule+, telephone number Outlook PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's second office PAB, Schedule+, telephone number Outlook PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's alternate Outlook telephone number (other than home or office) PR_POSTAL_CODE Addressee's postal code PAB, Schedule+, Outlook PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER Addressee's primary fax PAB and Outlook number PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's primary PAB , Schedule+ telephone number PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Addressee's radio telephone Outlook number PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE Addressee's state or PAB, Schedule+, province Outlook PR_STREET_ADDRESS Addressee's street address PAB, Schedule+, Outlook PR_SURNAME Addressee's surname, or PAB, Schedule+, last name Outlook PR_TITLE Addressee's job title PAB, Schedule+, Outlook