ExamDiff(TM) Version 1.6k ExamDiff Copyright 1997-2004 PrestoSoft(TM) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ExamDiff is a freeware Windows tool for visual file comparison. It has a number of simple and convenient features that many users have been asking for a long time from a file comparison tool. -Remembers a user specified number of last compared first and second files. This allows quick selection of the two files the user wishes to compare. -There is no need to specify both filenames -- just enter a directory name for one of the files to be compared. EximDiff will try to use an entered filename with a specified directory name. -Toggles between the first and second files. -Automatically detects file changes and prompts the user to re-compare files. -One push re-compare function which attempts to leave the viewer's focus in the same place as before the re-compare. -Drag and drop support for dropping one or two files into the program's window (e.g. from Windows Explorer). -Easy editing of the first and second files. ExamDiff will spawn any editor (configurable by the user) with the first or second file, and line number option (available for editors that support this, through ExamDiff variables: $FILE (first or second file name), $CURFIFF (number of line at which the current difference starts), and $CARET (number of line where the caret is located)). -Saves the file differences in a standard UNIX DIFF file. -Easy navigation through the differences via "Next Difference"/"Current Difference"/"Previous Difference" buttons and hot keys or via a list box of all the differences. -Allows the copying of text from the comparison panes via drag and drop, a hot key, or a right button pop up. -Simple "Search" command to search for strings in the comparison panes. It also remembers a user specified number of most recent searches. -Customizable text and background colors, font, tab size, and "Show Differences Only" option as well as options to "Ignore white spaces in lines", "Ignore changes in amount of white spaces in lines", "Ignore case", "Treat files as text files", "Ignore leading white space in lines" and "Ignore trailing white space in lines" for comparison. -Fully customizable file extension filter. For example, the user can choose only .c and .cpp files or any other files he/she chooses to be displayed. -Tooltips which include file properties (when the mouse cursor is placed over the pane title bars), difference number (when the cursor is over the yellow triangle marking the current difference), and etc. -Adjustable pane splitter with smooth synchronized scrolling. Allows easy toggling between horizontal and vertical splitter orientation as well as splitter centering and panes hiding. -Command line options include: Usage: ExamDiff [Filename1] [Filename2] [Options] Filename1, Filename2 are names of files to be compared Options are any of: /i ignore case /w ignore all white space in lines /b ignore changes in amount of white space in lines /l ignore leading white space in lines /e ignore trailing white space in lines /t treat both files as text files /d show differences only /n don't show initial "Compare Files" dialog /sd always show initial "Compare" dialog, even if two filenames are used /aN scroll trough all differences with N second delay and exit after the last difference /?,/h print this screen NOTE: if options /i, /w, /b, /l, /e, /t, or /d are not set, the last used options remain in effect. ExamDiff is a part of a suite of products that includes FtpVC a tool for FTP based Version Control System. It allows joint software development remotely over the Internet. For the latest version of FtpVC please visit http://www.prestosoft.com/ftpvc/ftpvc.htm. If you like ExamDiff but miss some features, there is a good chance that you will find them in ExamDiff's older brother - shareware ExamDiff Pro. Visit ExamDiff Pro web page to find out: http://www.prestosoft.com/examdiff/examdiffpro.htm ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND MANUAL ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. THE DEVELOPER DOES NOT RETAIN ANY LIABILITY ON ANY DAMAGE CAUSED THROUGH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LICENSE TO USE: You are permitted to use this program freely. You, however, are not permitted to decompile this program or use it as a portion of any other application. You are permitted to freely distribute this program and its associated files provided that (1) You do not charge a fee for its distribution, (2) you do not include it as a part of a commercial offering, and (3) you do distribute all accompanying files together. If you wish to include ExamDiff as a part of a commercial offering, written permission from the author is required. Deviations of the above are considered a breach of the copyright on this application. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BUG REPORTS: Please send bug reports, new feature requests and comments to: examdiff@prestosoft.com or P.O. Box 3611 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 Before sending your report please visit ExamDiff web page at http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiff in order to get the latest version or to read about reported problems.