MV2 format - litle description

differencies to MVD:
  - if video is combination of more parts, subtitles may be too of more parts
  - if video is combination of more parts, extern audio may be one part
  - you dont need to create GraphFile to switching internal audio tracks 
  - Special video can have subtitles, extern audio and chapters
  - avi menu could have range in lenght 1 frame
  - video may be displayed with other AspectRatio 
  - each MenuPage may have own size (all pages does not have to same size)
  - from Nav.Menu its possible to choose secondary subtitles

Commented example

;---------------------------- here starts MV2 file -------------
[MV2 CONFIG FILE]        ; MV2 file identification

MainTitle=MovieName            ;opt. for 1CD
MainID=MovieID_MovieName       ;opt. for 1CD - its necessary for indentification multi-CD movie

  PageType=MAIN_MOVIE          ;=page contain main title
                ; possibilities PageType
		; START_PAGE         - .. see MicroDVD
		; MENU_PAGE          - .. see MicroDVD
		; SPECIALS_PAGE      - .. see MicroDVD
		; CHAPTERS_PAGE      - .. see MicroDVD
		; SUBTITLES_PAGE     - index of subtitle
		; LANGUAGES_PAGE     - index of audioselection
		; CAST_PAGE          - index Cast&Crew

		; MAIN_MOVIE        
		; SPECIAL_MOVIE      - =page contain special movie

; in MAIN_MOVIE and SPECIAL_MOVIE is not possible selection
; other types are intended for navigation menu and is not possible seekin it,
; subtitles and chapters
; Must exist at least 1 Page MAIN_MOVIE

; this parameters are not for MOVIE types
  Range=100-110             ; opt., range of playing, may be 1 frame
  Duration=111              ; length of previewing StillImage in seconds
  ProhibitSelBefore=10      ; selections ignored to frame number XX
  ProhibitSelAfter=34       ; selection ignored after frame number XX

; only for MOVIE types
  VideoAspectRatioY=384     ; ASPECTRATIO in which may video be displayed

; for all types 
  OnDone=GOTO_PAGE.5        ; list of actions after DURATION overrun,
  			    ; arbitrary number


  Frames=212121             ; arbitrary number of video sequentions
                            ; - must have same format !!
			    ; - if its STILL -  only one section !!

; for one-segment video its not necessary to write:    Frames=

  Name=CZE Czech
  StreamNr=1               ; first internal audio stream

  Name=ENG English
  StreamNr=2               ; second internal audio stream

  Name=CZE Czech2          ; extern audio track
  Delay=0                  ; possible delay to video [in miliseconds]
  StreamNr=1               ; always =1 (for this version)
  File=AudioPart2          ; number File= is same as number of Video sequentions or =1

; internal audio track doesnt have File=
; number of [AUDIO] section is not limited

  [SUBTITLE=1]       ; number File= is same as number of Video sequentions or =1
  		      ;	(or it may not be inserted -  see Ogg/Vorbis)
		      ; - particular parts neednt to be in same format

  Name=CZE Czech
  MaxDisplayDuration=5    ; length of preview, if subtitles doesnt have end time
  Multiplier=115000       ; .. see MicroDVD
  Offset=-320             ; delay [in frames]  (as in MicroDVD).. see MicroDVD

  [SUBTITLE=2]         ; for Ogg/Vorbis format
  Name=CZE Czech       ; here may not be file name else all be ignored (offset, multiplier...)
  StreamNr=5           ; absolute nuber of stream (not order TextStream from *.Ogm !)

; e.g.   in *.ogm are this streams
; Stream0=Video
; Stream1=Audio1     
; Stream2=Audio2     
; Stream3=Subtitle1       ... StreamNr=3
; Stream4=Subtitle2       ... StreamNr=4

; NOTE: its NOT possible to set delay for one part of subtitle file !
; number of sections [SUBTITLE=N] is not limited
; number is ignored for this time, links works according to order

  Rect=10,10-200,30               ; ... see MicroDVD
  OnClick=GOTO_PAGE.5             ; unlimited number of actions on Click

; number of sections [SELECTION] is unlimited

  1=89 NameChap1
  2=3333 NameChap2
  3=5543 NameChap3       ; format is same as in MicroDVD ... number = frame

; or
;  1=00:01:00 NameChap1
;  2=00:21:10 NameChap2
;  3=01:11:05 NameChap3       ; may be time instead of frame
; or
;  1=Stream4 NameChap1
;  2=Stream5 NameChap2
;  3=Stream6 NameChap3       ; choose video stream in *.ogm files
;  1=DvdChapter1 NameChapter1
;  2=DvdChapter2 NameChapter2
;  3=DvdChapter3 NameChapter3     ; choose of DVD chapter

; etc.     (number of PAGE is unlimited)

;---------------------------- here file MV2 ends ------------


 Possibilities - OnDone, OnClick:
GOTO_PAGE.5 nebo GOTO_PAGE.+1 nebo GOTO_PAGE.-2  ; absolute or relative jump
RETURN_TO_PAGE.7         ; jump to last position (PAGE 7)
SET_AUDIO.5.2            ; this set in PAGE=5 audio Nr=2
SET_SUBTITLES.5.2        ; this set in PAGE=5 subtitles Nr=2,  (SET_SUBTITLES.5.0 ... set none subtitles)
GOTO_CHAPTER.5.2         ; run PAGE 5 from CHAPTER 2
SHOW_MESSAGE.text message ; show message (same as MicroDVD)   
SET_SUBTITLES2.5.2       ; sets secondary subtitles in Page=5 on number 2

 looping page 1 :

File names
All file names are written with realtive path from MV2 file
e.g.   VIDEO_TS\avi1.avi

If file isnt founded there, then player tests roots of all disks (including relative path):
  e.g.    C:\Video_TS\avi1.avi
		.. etc.

=> in case multi-CD-movie *.mv2 should be in root to player can find
   next part automatically

When you open CD a "copy" of MV2 file is created (or its generated, if player
doesnt found it on CD {MVD is converted to MV2}) by the player in directory "\LIBRARY\".
This MV2 has extended syntax - save lengths of videos, format of subtitles etc.
	- used by Catalog

Player used MV2 from directory "\LIBRARY\" if you play CD with "OpenCD" command 
and the player found correspoding MV2 file => its possible to add extern audio,
subtitles, edit chapters etc. to existing CD

CD MV2 Format:
CD may contain in same directory as *.MV2 folder "MV2.RES" and this files

  cover.jpg, cover1.jpg ... cover9.jpg ; maximally 10 pictures !
  ; - automatically ordered to CD Catalog

  Info.txt ... see MV2Player.txt

Directory is used by Catalog, so this directory may be on any CD.

Directories used by system MV2

  MV2Player     .... Defualt install directory
    Config      .... for saving local MV2 configuration (when you open MV2, MVD, IFO)
    Doc         .... manuals and helps
    Extra       .... helpfull files for cooperating with other programs (e.g. GIR - Girder)
    Filters     .... directory for DirectShow filters
    			(You may register and unregister it from MV2player Options dialog)
    Langs       .... texts for UI language versions 
    Library     .... local MV2 configurations for CDs
      Covers    .... copies of covers from CD - MV2.RES
      Info      .... copies of info.txt form CD - MV2.RES
    Skins       .... compressed and uncompressed skins