Dictionary (Settings)

Dictionary attack tries thousands of words from dictionary files as possible passwords. Every word from dictionary is tested in a variety of modifications according to the current dictionary settings.

Select Dictionary tab from Settings Dialog Box to control the following options:

Password length

The program will search for the password from the specified range.

Dictionary file location

Default dictionary file "dict.txt" is located in password recovery application installation folder. To change dictionary file click the Browse button and select your custom dictionary file. Dictionary file should be a plain text file with a single word per line.


You can add mutations by clicking on checkboxes next to mutation types and choosing the number of mistypes.


if there is a word 'apple' in the dictionary and 'one mistype' and 'Capitalize the first letter' options are chosen, the program will check the following passwords: Apple, bplle, Bpple, aaple ... and so on.

