
Brute-Force attack finds passwords by checking all possible combinations of characters from the Symbol Set.

Select Brute-Force tab from Settings Dialog Box to control the following options:

Password length

The program will search for the password of the specified length.

Use pattern

Defines the pattern that is used to generate passwords.

All '?' characters in the pattern are replaced by exactly one of the symbols from the active Symbol Set. I.e. pattern 'never?????' will match 'neveragain' and won't match 'forever', 'nevermore'. Pattern '????day' will match password 'goodday', but won't mach password 'birthday'.

'*' character is replased by zero or more symbols from the active Symbol Set (this number depends on password lenght specified). I.e. pattern 'never*' will match 'never', 'neveragain', 'nevermore'.

You can use '?', '*', characters in the pattern by isolating with an '\' character, i.e. if you would like to search for password that starts with '\why*' you should set the pattern to '\why\**'.

