Version history
What's new in cam2pc 4.1
- Added PTP protocol support via WIA (Me and XP only)
- Added new 3D transition effects in slideshows
- Added new print wizard (replaces previous Print dialog)
- Fullscreen OSD is not fully customizable
- Fixed bug on Windows 9x/Me that would not display any file or folder at the root of drives
- Fixed bug that would cause some external editors not to load the selected files
- Fixed issues with daylight savings when dealing with dates
- Fixed freeze when expanding network nodes in the tree
- Fixed auto-download with Canon cameras
- Fixed freeze when creating thumbnail of a QuickTime movie when QT is not installed on the machine
- Fixed batch renaming taking ages when thumbnail caching is on
- Fixed fact that file renaming while transfering was not done when keeping memory card directory structure
- Code clean up in transferers so now directory structure is properly read from various cameras
- SW: Added print on paper templates (Avery, Kodak...)
- SW: Added Catalog Items allowing to feed the database
- SW: Added browsing of Offline Contents (CD, ZIP...) without inserting the media
- SW: Added batch update of images date and time
- SW: Added new "Remove Shadows" in Quick Fixes of Enhance Image
- SW: Added buttons for fast black&white and sepia effects in Enhance Image
- SW: Added Add Borders stuff in Enhance Image
- SW: Added new Album List window for faster album selection
- SW: Added possibility to add borders to images in batch
- SW: Added automatic filling of EXIF Artist and Copyright when transfering images
- SW: Refresh of thumbnails when loading an albums is now done in background (2000 and XP only)
- SW: Album thumbnails are now refreshed if original image is modified
- SW: When using %P when renaming files when transfering the description can now be used to fill the EXIF comments
- SW: Images can now be added in albums from fullscreen (when opened with browser)
- SW: Created slideshows (except PDF) can show image comments while viewing
- SW: If images are selected in the album then only these images will be used by the next function used.
This allows sending by mail only one image of an album for an instance. If no image is selected
then all images are used. Added Select All menu and button.
- SW: Exif comments now comply to standards and are compatible with other softwares
- SW: Fixed sending mails using SMTP server
What's new in cam2pc 4.0
- Added print feature
- Added integration in Windows handlers (Still Image and XP Autoplay Handlers)
- Added new Enhance Image feature
- Added Web Gallery creation
- Added Contact Sheets creation
- Added creation of screensaver (with or without installer)
- Added creation of autorun slideshows
- Added creation of PDF slideshows
- Added image transitions in slideshows
- Added selection of images to download
- Added album management
- Added copy album to a location
- Added real drag and drop with Explorer
- Added histogram display in full screen viewer
- Added DirectShow video playback
- Added Go To Folder feature
- Multiple image editors can now be configured
- Clipboard is now shared with Explorer
- Clipboard can be saved as an image
- cam2pc automatically checks for an update at startup
- Easier Multifile Exif editing (added navigation buttons and allowed multiselection)
- Faster zoom in full-screen viewer
- New bicubic full screen display
- Improved previous bilinear display
- New toolbar with 32-bit alpha-blended icons
- Folder tree, preview and album are now floatable/dockable windows
- Tray icon displayed only when it makes sense