Usage: PRODUCTEXE command [parameters] Valid commands are: install [-computer COMPUTER <-path PATH> [-minimal] [-license LICENSE] [-port PORT] Install the PRODUCTNAME service either on the specified remote computer at the specified path, or on the local machine. For local installs, only the LICENSE and the PORT parameters are possible. For remote installs, COMPUTER and PATH must be specified. restart [-computer COMPUTER] Restart the service on the specified machine. uninstall [-computer COMPUTER] Stop and uninstall the PRODUCTNAME service. start [-service SERVICE] [-computer COMPUTER] Start the specified service on the specified computer. stop [-service SERVICE] [-computer COMPUTER] Stop the specified service on the specified machine. createinifile [-inifile FILENAME] [-computer COMPUTER] Export PRODUCTNAME configuration settings from the registry of the specified computer and save it to the specified filename. loadinifile [-inifile FILENAME] [-computer COMPUTER] Import the PRODUCTNAME configuration data contained within the specified initialization file into the registry of the specified computer. -?, /?, -help, /help Display this screen Valid parameters are: -computer COMPUTER Machine to perform the operation on, eg. "\\KOSSUTH" (defaults to the local machine) -service SERVICE Service to start or stop, eg. "InetInfo" (defaults to "PRODUCTNAME") -path PATH Path to copy PRODUCTNAME files into. The directory will be created if it does not exist. When installing on a remote computer, a temporary share will be set up for the duration of the install procedure. Do not include a trailing slash. For example: -path "C:\PRODUCTNAME" -minimal During a remote install, does not copy documentation files. This switch can speed up remote installs over slow links. -license LICENSE Specify a license file to be used during a remote install. If not given, the license in use on the computer executing the command will be copied. -port PORT Specify the HTTP listener port for PRODUCTNAME. Defaults to 2000. Please refer to the documentation for further explanation of these options. You can use the command "PRODUCTEXE /? | MORE" to read this help one screen at a time.