RegSupreme Copyright 2003 Macecraft Software All rights reserved. IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This license agreement is a legal agreement between you (individual or a legal entity) and Macecraft Software (Macecraft Inc.) YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND THE LIMITATIONS OF YOUR LICENSE BY INSTALLING, COPYING, DISTRIBUTING OR OTHERWISE USING REGSUPREME. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL, DISTRIBUTE OR USE REGSUPREME IN ANY WAYS. SCROLL UP AND DOWN BY USING THE SCROLL BAR ON THE RIGHT OR PRESSING THE UP/DOWN ARROWS AND/OR PageUp / PageDown KEYS TO VIEW THIS ENTIRE LICENSE AGREEMENT. NOTICE: THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT (TOGETHER WITH ITS ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION) IS THE PROPERTY OF MACECRAFT SOFTWARE. THE REGSUPREME IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU, THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE PRODUCT. A COPY OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE IN THE "LICENSE AGREEMENT.TXT" FILE PROVIDED WITH THE PRODUCT. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Definitions 2. Warning 3. Ownership 4. Grant of license 5. Restrictions and limitations of use 6. Termination of license 7. Maintenance, support and updates 8. Confidentiality 9. Disclaimer 10. Limited liability 11. Distributing 12. Reservation of rights 1. DEFINITIONS "RegSupreme" means the 'RegSupreme' (also 'Registry Supreme') software product and everything included in its official distribution packages, such as the documentation, all the plug-in applications and all the other such modules. "Trial version" means the free, unlicensed and time limited edition of RegSupreme that can freely be downloaded from Macecraft Software's official web site ( "official distribution package" means a package file, such as .zip or .rar archive or a self extracting ("SFX") version of such archive, or an installation program containing RegSupreme which can be downloaded from Macecraft Software's official home page "license agreement" means this document. This license agreement is a legal agreement between you (individual or a legal entity) and Macecraft Software. You must accept all the terms in this license agreement and the limitations of your license if you want to use, run, copy or distribute RegSupreme. "license" means a legal right to fully use RegSupreme. The license must be bought before you are allowed to use RegSupreme more than its trial period of 30 days. "Amount of computers this product can be used with" means all kinds of use, such as usage over a network connection or usage from a cd-rom or other such media. 2. WARNING RegSupreme is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the RegSupremes, or any portion of it, may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. 3. OWNERSHIP RegSupreme is proprietary to Macecraft Software. The product is licensed, not sold, to you notwithstanding any reference herein to "purchases". You acknowledge and agree that: 1. RegSupreme is protected under U.S. copyright and other laws. 2. Macecraft Software and its licensors retain all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the RegSupreme. 3. There are no implied licenses under this License, and any rights not expressly granted to you hereunder are reserved by Macecraft Software. 4. You acquire no ownership or other interest (other than your license rights) in or to RegSupreme. 5. Macecraft Software owns all copies of the RegSupreme, however made. You agree that you will not, at any time, contest anywhere in the world Macecraft Software's ownership of the RegSupreme, nor will you challenge the validity of Macecraft Software's rights in the RegSupreme. You have no rights hereunder to use any trademark or service mark belonging to Macecraft Software. 4. GRANT OF LICENSE Macecraft Software is only willing to grant you these rights if you obtained RegSupreme from Macecraft Software or a Macecraft Software authorized reseller. If you obtained RegSupreme from any other source you may not install or use the RegSupreme. Macecraft Software grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this License Agreement: 1. Usage. You may install, use, access and run RegSupreme in one computer unit. 2. Personal usage. If you, or the company you work for, owns a license for RegSupreme you may also in that case install, use, access and run RegSupreme in your home computer under the same license. In such case, your home computer must be used only by you, the members of your family and your friends. 3. Privacy. Macecraft Software hasn't implemented any mechanism to RegSupreme which collects sensitive information from your computer and its users withour your knowledge and then automatically sends the information to Macecraft Software. 4. Basic security. Macecraft Software hasn't implemented any mechanism, protocol, method or algorithm ("Trojan Horse") which would allow Macecraft Software to take full control of your computer without your knowledge or permission. 5. RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF USE You are NOT allowed to: 1. Modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover the source code, or any parts of it, or discover or reconstruct any mechanism, algorithm or a protocol from the binaries of RegSupreme. 2. Reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover the source code, or any parts of it, or discover or reconstruct any mechanism, algorithm or a protocol from the RegSupreme by running any kind of special monitoring software, such as registry monitoring software, or analysing software, such as SoftIce or other such tool. 3. Create, develope, distribute, use, install or store in your computer a program, source code, mechanism, method, protocol or algorithm to bypass or to brake RegSupreme's security features, license validation, license creation methods or algorithms. 4. Create derivative works based on RegSupreme (e.g. incorporating RegSupreme in a commercial product or service without a proper license), except that you may create bug fixes and translations. 5. Rent, lease, sublicense, convey, distribute or otherwise transfer rights to RegSupreme without a written permission from Macecraft Software. 6. Remove any product identification, copyright, proprietary notices or labels from RegSupreme. 7. Distribute, re-distribute, rent, lease or sell the licensed version of RegSupreme or any portions of it or the license itself or any portions of the license without a written permission from Macecraft Software. 8. Sell, re-sell, rent or lease RegSupreme, any portions of it or its license or any portions of a license without written permission from Macecraft Software. 9. Distribute RegSupreme in any other form than in the official distribution packages without a written permission from Macecraft Software. 10. Use the licensed version of RegSupreme if you do not have a valid license or if you do not know who has bought the license or if you know that the copy you are using is illegal or the license itself is illegalor faked. 11. Use, run, copy, distribute or store RegSupreme in your computer if this license agreement is violated in any ways. 6. TERMINATION OF LICENSE Macecraft Software has the right to terminate this license if you do not abide by the terms and conditions of this license, in which case you must destroy all copies of RegSupreme and all of its component parts. 7. MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT AND UPDATES Macecraft Software is under no obligation to maintain, support or update RegSupreme in any way, or to provide updates or error corrections. However, if you have purchased technical support from Macecraft Software for this product will Macecraft Software then provide technical assistance according to the terms of the contract. 8. CONFIDENTIALITY Licensed version of RegSupreme and any license authorization codes (such as the "license.dat" file) are confidential. You agree to take adequate steps to protect RegSupreme and any license authorization codes and "license.dat" file from unauthorized disclosure or use. You agree that you will not disclose the licensed version of RegSupreme, any parts of it, its license or any parts of the license to any third party. 9. DISCLAIMER Macecraft Software expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of third party intellectual property rights, and any warranty that may arise by reason of trade usage, custom, or course of dealing. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge that RegSupreme is provided "as is" and that Macecraft Software does not warrant that RegSupreme will run uninterrupted or error free nor that RegSupreme will operate with hardware and/or software not provided by Macecraft Software. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you, and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state. 10. LIMITED LIABILITY The entire risk as to results and performance of RegSupreme is assumed by you. Under no circumstances will Macecraft Software or they licensors be liable for any direct or special, indirect, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising out of or in any way related to RegSupreme or this agreement, even if the Author or his licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damage or if such damage could have been reasonably foreseen, and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any exclusive remedy provided in this agreement. Such limitation on damages includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of goodwill, lost profits, loss of data or software, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction or impairment of other goods. In no event will the Author or his licensors be liable for the costs of procurement of substitute Software or services. in addition, in no event will the total liability of the Author in connection with this agreement or RegSupreme exceed the actual amount paid to the author, if any, for RegSupreme giving rise to the claim. You acknowledge that RegSupreme is not designed or licensed for use in on-line equipment in hazardous environments such as operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or control, or life-critical applications. The Author expressly disclaims any liability resulting from use of RegSupreme in any such on-line equipment in hazardous environments and accepts no liability in respect of any actions or claims based on the use of RegSupreme in any such on-line equipment in hazardous environments by you. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "life-critical application" means an application in which the functioning or malfunctioning of RegSupreme may result directly or indirectly in physical injury or loss of human life. 11. DISTRIBUTING Trial version of RegSupreme may be freely distributed provided that it is not modified in any ways and that the original distribution packages remain intact with all accompanying files, and provided that no fee is charged (except for any reasonable fees necessary to cover costs of distribution media), and that this license agreement is not violated in any ways. You are not allowed to include RegSupreme to any commercial CD-ROM or DVD software collection without a written permission from Macecraft Software. Macecraft Software reserves the right to deny you from distributing RegSupreme even if you haven't violated this license agreement. 12. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS Macecraft Software reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this license agreement. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND THE LIMITATIONS OF YOUR LICENSE BY INSTALLING, COPYING, DISTRIBUTING OR OTHERWISE USING REGSUPREME. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL, DISTRIBUTE OR USE RegSupreme IN ANY WAYS. RegSupreme Copyright 2003 Macecraft Software. All rights reserved. License Agreement version 1.1 [The end of this document]