32737 The current license is not set to allow SLX files. 32738 Process ID can not be zero. 32739 Failed to resolve process file name. 32740 Failed to resolve SLX file path. 32741 Failed to create SLX file. 32742 Error writing to SLX file. 32743 The Serial Number specified was invalid. 32744 Error reading SLX file. 32745 SLX file is corrupt or contains corrupt license information. 32746 Failed to resolve root License key. 32747 Failed to open registry key. 32748 Failed to create registry value. 32749 The registry value was of an invalid or incorrect type. 32750 An error occurred while accessing license information. 32751 Network License verification failed. No network license file could be found. 32752 Failed to update license details. 32753 Failed to delete registry key. 32754 Registry key name was invalid. 32755 Insufficient memory was allocated for root license key. 32756 Failed to create license. 32757 The current license has not expired. 32758 Failed to decode unlock code. 32759 The specified unlock code was invalid for this operation. 32760 Transfer license is not permitted with the current license settings. 32761 Error creating unlock code. 32762 An error occured while updating SLX file. 32763 The encryption key used was invalid. 32764 Failed to remove license information from registry. 32765 License information was not valid. 32766 The unlock level returned was invalid.